Obamacare Small Business Goldmine
(too old to reply)
Home Guy
2014-02-19 00:17:12 UTC
I own a small manufacturing business and we have always provided
health insurance to our employees.
The ACA is a boon for small business and we, for one, are using
it to grow. There¹s the small business messaging that is missing
from, well, everywhere. Spread the word.
The above can be found here:



Both times posted by Pamela Rees (@bunnygirl60)

"I have an actual life but also blog for an ardently political
rabbit at http://arlissbunny.wordpress.com. Indiana, USA"

I guess this is her profile:


So Pamala Rees (bunnygirl60) "owns a small manufacturing business" eh?

Instead of reading about an Obama-care fairy-tale written by a political
hack, why not watch a real, actual company get the bad news about their
new ACA plan?

Notice how the imaginary scenario written by Pamala Rees doesn't mention
anything about how the deductible and co-pays change under the ACA.
This is key - as illustrated below:


Employees in Pennsylvania Company Learn of Increased Health Costs
Due to Obamacare

10:43 AM, Jan 30, 2014

A local news station brings viewers inside one Pennsylvania company as
the employees there learn about their new health care plans under

"Look at the numbers," says the reporter of two employees. "Jeff and
Dave used to have a $1,250 deductible. Since Obamacare went into effect,
it's now jumped 60 percent to $2,000. That's nothing compared to Brian,
Kristi, and Judy who have kids. they are going to pay twice that, four
grand." The reporter adds that co-pays are being increased, too.

"I don't know how President Obama thinks he's helping us because we
can't afford this, we can't afford to pay these co-pays, to pay these
deductibles on what we're making," says one of the workers.

Another worker adds, "They call it the affordable health plan. There's
nothing affordable about it. I can't afford it."

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-19 05:40:09 UTC
Post by Home Guy
I own a small manufacturing business and we have always provided
health insurance to our employees.
The ACA is a boon for small business and we, for one, are using
it to grow. There¹s the small business messaging that is missing
from, well, everywhere. Spread the word.
"I have an actual life but also blog for an ardently political
rabbit at http://arlissbunny.wordpress.com. Indiana, USA"
So Pamala Rees (bunnygirl60) "owns a small manufacturing business" eh?
Instead of reading about an Obama-care fairy-tale written by a political
hack, why not watch a real, actual company get the bad news about their
new ACA plan?
Notice how the imaginary scenario written by Pamala Rees doesn't mention
anything about how the deductible and co-pays change under the ACA.
I must have missed the part where you demonstrated that bunnygirl60
doesn't own a small manufacturing business
Post by Home Guy
Employees in Pennsylvania Company Learn of Increased Health Costs
Due to Obamacare
10:43 AM, Jan 30, 2014
A local news station brings viewers inside one Pennsylvania company as
the employees there learn about their new health care plans under
"Look at the numbers," says the reporter of two employees. "Jeff and
Dave used to have a $1,250 deductible. Since Obamacare went into effect,
it's now jumped 60 percent to $2,000. That's nothing compared to Brian,
Kristi, and Judy who have kids. they are going to pay twice that, four
grand." The reporter adds that co-pays are being increased, too.
"I don't know how President Obama thinks he's helping us because we
can't afford this, we can't afford to pay these co-pays, to pay these
deductibles on what we're making," says one of the workers.
Another worker adds, "They call it the affordable health plan. There's
nothing affordable about it. I can't afford it."
Home Guy
2014-02-19 15:09:59 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by Home Guy
So Pamala Rees (bunnygirl60) "owns a small manufacturing business" eh?
I must have missed the part where you demonstrated that bunnygirl60
doesn't own a small manufacturing business
"Trust me, if you knew what I have really done in my life,
you would find it shocking - and I would have to kill you"

"I blog from behind the thin veil of a rabbit named Arliss.
Arliss is not imaginary & she disapproves of all of us."

Do those sound like the words of someone who owns a 7-person
manufacturing company?

What does it mean - that she blogs from "behind a thin veil of a rabbit
named Arliss". What is the "thin veil" she refers to?

"Generally, I blog on two topics, politics and litterboxes"

If she owns a small manufacturing company, why wouldn't she blog about
small-business or manufacturing issues? Wouldn't you think that the
primary focus in the life of a business owner WOULD BE THE BUSINESS?

Do a web-search for the phrase:

"The ACA is a boon for small business and we"

Put it in quotes, just like that.

If that was a truly organic composition made by a real person describing
his (or her) actual situation, you wouldn't find it quoted and planted
so often, in so many places - most or all of them pointing to the KOS

It takes political organization and effort to plant a story like that in
so many places.

For more analysis of that story, see here:


This woman is not who she claims to be.
indeed, not only are the other "stories" that have been debunked
apparently nonexistent, what a woman allegedly misrepresenting who she
is has to do with a "Kos Story" remains a mystery.
Bo you better take a good look at some of this woman's outlandish claims
before you go off the deep end.

This is a paid propaganda piece. No question about it.

Hell they would have done much better to air your story....at least your
numbers represented the real world and they are believeable. I believe
it. But I do not believe the story is KOS.....not for a moment.
So wait, are you saying this bunnygirl is actually Mr. Multiplex in

See post # 14, #20, #40 of that thread.

bunnygirl60's Profile

I blog from behind the thin veil of a rabbit named Arliss. Trust me, if
you knew what I have really done in my life, you would find it shocking
- and I would have to kill you. Arliss is not imaginary & she
disapproves of all of us.

Location: Indiana
Groups: Indianapolis Kossacks
Home Page: http://arlissbunny.wordpress.com
Twitter: ArlissBunny

Diaries published: 7 (1 day since last diary on Tue Feb 18, 2014 at
08:59 AM PST)
Comments posted: 367 (0 days since last comment on Tue Feb 18, 2014 at
11:59 PM PST)

Diary frequency: seldom
Comment frequency: frequent
Total Recommends: 660
Total Comment Ratings: 155

Most Recommended Diary: Obamacare Small Business Goldmine, 232 comments,
529 recommends

People Following bunnygirl60: 18



My name is Arliss. I am a twelve-year old lop rabbit. I live in Just to
the Right of Nowhere and I am a blue bunny in a red state. Generally, I
blog on two topics, politics and litterboxes. Sadly, there is little
difference between the two.


See also:


