Pending collapse of California agriculture -> what are all those mexicans gonna be doing?
(too old to reply)
2014-01-27 03:09:59 UTC
The shasta dam is currently at 50% of typical capacity it should be as
of a typical January 25.

The pending collapse of California's agricultural industry - caused by
the state's perpetual multi-year drought, is going to put a lot of
mexicans out of work.

You know what they say about idle hands - eh?

Just look at what's happening in North Carolina:


December Child Rapes- 89 confirmed and highly probable illegal aliens
with well over 200 charges of rape against NC children! All of these
individuals have a court date scheduled or were arrested for child rape
in December. Many of them with multiple charges, meaning, they raped
more than one child or raped one child multiple times.

See the report here!


NC Hispanic population explodes: Charlotte and Raleigh aren’t
traditionally thought of as a Latino market, but their Hispanic
populations are growing faster than any other region in the country.

Read full report here:



America. USA - the land of opportunity.

The opportunity for mexicans to rape your children.
The Daring Dufas
2014-01-27 16:19:13 UTC
Post by Home_Guy
The shasta dam is currently at 50% of typical capacity it should be
as of a typical January 25.
Hey Homo Gay, we'll be glad to send Mexicans your way. ^_^

