28 Signs That The US Middle Class Is Heading Towards Extinction
(too old to reply)
Ben Bernake
2014-02-07 05:35:33 UTC
#1 You don't have to ask major U.S. corporations if the middle class is
dying. This fact is showing up plain as day in their sales numbers.
The following is from a recent New York Times article entitled "The
Middle Class Is Steadily Eroding. Just Ask the Business World"...


In Manhattan, the upscale clothing retailer Barneys will replace the
bankrupt discounter Loehmann’s, whose Chelsea store closes in a few
weeks. Across the country, Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants are
struggling, while fine-dining chains like Capital Grille are thriving.
And at General Electric, the increase in demand for high-end dishwashers
and refrigerators dwarfs sales growth of mass-market models.

As politicians and pundits in Washington continue to spar over whether
economic inequality is in fact deepening, in corporate America there
really is no debate at all. The post-recession reality is that the
customer base for businesses that appeal to the middle class is
shrinking as the top tier pulls even further away.

#2 Some of the largest retailers in the United States that once thrived
by serving the middle class are now steadily dying. Sears and J.C.
Penney are both on the verge of bankruptcy, and now we have learned that
Radio Shack may be shutting down another 500 stores this year.

#3 Real disposable income in the United States just experienced the
largest year over year drop that we have seen since 1974.

#4 Median household income in the United States has fallen for five
years in a row.

#5 The rate of homeownership in the United States has fallen for eight
years in a row.

#6 In 2008, 53 percent of all Americans considered themselves to be
"middle class". In 2014, only 44 percent of all Americans consider
themselves to be "middle class".

#7 In 2008, 25 percent of all Americans in the 18 to 29-year-old age
bracket considered themselves to be "lower class". In 2014, an
astounding 49 percent of them do.

#8 Incredibly, 56 percent of all Americans now have "subprime credit".

#9 Total consumer credit has risen by a whopping 22 percent over the
past three years.

#10 The average credit card debt in the United States is $15,279.

#11 The average student loan debt in the United States is $32,250.

#12 The average mortgage debt in the United States is $149,925.

#13 Overall, U.S. consumers are $11,360,000,000,000 in debt.

#14 The U.S. national debt is currently sitting at
$17,263,040,455,036.20, and it is being reported that is has grown by
$6.666 trillion during the Obama years so far. Most of the burden of
servicing that debt is going to fall on the middle class (if the middle
class is able to survive that long).

#15 According to the Congressional Budget Office, interest payments on
the national debt will nearly quadruple over the next ten years.

#16 Back in 1999, 64.1 percent of all Americans were covered by
employment-based health insurance. Today, 54.9 percent of all Americans
are covered by employment-based health insurance.

#17 More Americans than ever find themselves forced to turn to the
government for help with health care. At this point, 82.4 million
Americans live in a home where at least one person is enrolled in the
Medicaid program.

#18 There are 46.5 million Americans that are living in poverty, and the
poverty rate in America has been at 15 percent or above for 3
consecutive years. That is the first time that has happened since 1965.

#19 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the number of
Americans on food stamps has gone from 32 million to 47 million.

#20 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the percentage of
working age Americans that are actually working has declined from 60.6
percent to 58.6 percent.

#21 While Barack Obama has been in the White House, the average duration
of unemployment in the United States has risen from 19.8 weeks to 37.1

#22 Middle-wage jobs accounted for 60 percent of the jobs lost during
the last recession, but they have accounted for only 22 percent of the
jobs created since then.

#23 It is hard to believe, but an astounding 53 percent of all American
workers make less than $30,000 a year in wages.

#24 Approximately one out of every four part-time workers in America is
living below the poverty line.

#25 According to the most recent numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, an
all-time record 49.2 percent of all Americans are receiving benefits
from at least one government program each month.

#26 The U.S. government has spent an astounding 3.7 trillion dollars on
welfare programs over the past five years.

#27 Only 35 percent of all Americans say that they are better off
financially than they were a year ago.

#28 Only 19 percent of all Americans believe that the job market is
better than it was a year ago.

As if the middle class didn't have enough to deal with, now here comes

As I have written about previously, Obamacare is going to mean higher
taxes and much higher health insurance premiums for middle class

Not only that, but millions of hard working Americans are going to end
up losing their jobs or having their hours cut back thanks to
Obamacare. For example, a fry cook named Darnell Summers recently told
Barack Obama directly that he and his fellow workers "were broken down
to part time to avoid paying health insurance"...

And the Congressional Budget Office now says that Obamacare could result
in the loss of 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2021.

Several million people will reduce their hours on the job or leave the
workforce entirely because of incentives built into President Barack
Obama’s health care overhaul, the Congressional Budget Office said

That would mean job losses equal to 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2021,
in large part because people would opt to keep their income low to stay
eligible for federal health care subsidies or Medicaid, the agency said.
It had estimated previously that the law would lead to 800,000 fewer
jobs by that year.

But even if we got rid of Obamacare tomorrow that would not solve the
problems of the middle class.

The middle class has been shrinking for a very long time, and something
dramatic desperately needs to be done.

The numbers that I shared above simply cannot convey the level of
suffering that is going on out there on the streets of America today.
That is why I also like to share personal stories when I can. Below, I
have posted an excerpt from an open letter to Barack Obama that a woman
with a Master's degree and 30 years of work experience recently
submitted to the Huffington Post. What this formerly middle class lady
is having to endure because of this horrible economy is absolutely

Dear Mr. President,

I write to you today because I have nowhere else to turn. I lost my full
time job in September 2012. I have only been able to find part-time
employment -- 16 hours each week at $12 per hour -- but I don't work
that every week. For the month of December, my net pay was $365. My
husband and I now live in an RV at a campground because of my job loss.
Our monthly rent is $455 and that doesn't include utilities. We were
given this 27-ft. 1983 RV when I lost my job.

This is America today. We have no running water; we use a hose to fill
jugs. We have no shower but the campground does. We have a toilet but it
only works when the sewer line doesn't freeze -- if it freezes, we use
the campground's restrooms. At night, in my bed, when it's cold out, my
blanket can freeze to the wall of the RV.

We don't have a stove or an oven, just a microwave, so regular-food
cooking is out. Recently we found a small toaster oven on sale so we can
bake a little now because eating only microwaved food just wasn't
working for us. We don't have a refrigerator, just an icebox (a block of
ice cost about $1.89). It keeps things relatively cold. If it's freezing
outside, we just put things on the picnic table.

You can read the rest of her incredibly heartbreaking letter right here.


This is not the America that I remember.

What in the world is happening to us?

2014-02-07 05:46:06 UTC
On Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:35:33 -0500, Ben Bernake
Home Guy / House Man has penis envy about America.


He still uses Nestscape Navigator.

# 3

Speculation is the Canadian Mounties are investigating him for carnal
knowledge with his farm animals.

They always "get their man".
"Home>Guy" .Com>
2014-02-07 06:08:38 UTC
Post by Oren
Home Guy / House Man has penis envy about America.
Still fixated on your impotent country Oren?
Post by Oren
He still uses Nestscape Navigator.
Oren can't wrap his head around the fact that usenet is older than
Navigator. It's ok Oren - one day you'll figure it out.
Post by Oren
Speculation is the Canadian Mounties are investigating him for
carnal knowledge with his farm animals.
The truth is that it's you americans that have carnal knowledge of your
farm animals:

December 8, 2011, 3:05 PM ET

CDC: Castrating Lambs With Your Teeth May Make You Sick

We were stopped in our tracks by something we’d never seen before:
a case report on Campylobacter jejuni infections contracted by two
people working on a sheep ranch, apparently because they used their
teeth to castrate some lambs.

Of the 12 people who worked to castrate and dock tails of 1,600
lambs at a Wyoming sheep ranch in June, they were the only two
who reported using their teeth as castration aids.

It was a nice try to divert this thread away from the reality of how
your sorry-ass country is going down the drain. You couldn't pay me
enough to live or work in your socialist, bankrupt country.
2014-02-07 06:40:28 UTC
Post by "Home>Guy" .Com>
Post by Oren
Home Guy / House Man has penis envy about America.
Still fixated on your impotent country Oren?
Post by Oren
He still uses Nestscape Navigator.
Oren can't wrap his head around the fact that usenet is older than
Navigator. It's ok Oren - one day you'll figure it out.
Post by Oren
Speculation is the Canadian Mounties are investigating him for
carnal knowledge with his farm animals.
The truth is that it's you americans that have carnal knowledge of your
The real truth is your diversion to another non-existent group failed.
Try again. You do love to suck ass of Americans when you need or want
some help... Caulking Guy.

Do you still let little Amish boys drive your tractor? You said so
under another nym. One day people here will catch on to your antics.

Are you still stealing movies off the Internet - Smurfs was it?

I'll trade you one Justin Beiber for one Rob Ford. Come back when you
have something.

Aside from being a Punk, you are a fool. And. I just bitch slapped
"Home>Guy" .Com>
2014-02-07 14:02:08 UTC
You do love to suck ass of Americans when you need or want
some help... Caulking Guy.
Listen to this you shit-head. And also to the dumb fuck Chairwoman.

You've both attributed many posts to this newsgroup to be mine - when
they weren't.

I only ever post to usenet using Netscape Navigator.

Posts made using Forte Agent are not mine.

You might be able to figure that out by looking at the NNTP posting host
- which is unique for a given IP address.
Do you still let little Amish boys drive your tractor?
In your dreams.
You said so under another nym.
Says the lier.
Are you still stealing movies off the Internet - Smurfs was it?
I download from file lockers - which is legal because downloading is not
violating copyright law. Uploading (making available) is technically a
violation of copyright law.

Many more of your fellow countrymen use bit torrent to download music
and movies, and while doing so they also seed those files - making them
available to others.
I'll trade you one Justin Beiber for one Rob Ford.
Yes, I can see why you americans would more easily identify with an
ugly, fat, crack-using slob like Ford. Ford is the idealized version of
the typical american male.
Come back when you have something.
I, like the typical Canadian, have far more than the average american.
More wealth, more health, more happiness. What you americans have is
more debt, stress, and guns to kill yourselves with. But maybe not
bullets. I hear that your gov't has bought billions of bullets to
prepare for the coming civil riots and martial law. Hope you have fun
with that.
Aside from being a Punk, you are a fool.
And. I just bitch slapped you.
You are such a sad fuck.

Watching you and your country slide into the toilet gives us Canadians
no end of enjoyment. You people deserve it after how you screwed
yourself up after 9/11.
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-07 17:30:28 UTC
Post by "Home>Guy" .Com>
You do love to suck ass of Americans when you need or want some
help... Caulking Guy.
Listen to this you shit-head. And also to the dumb fuck Chairwoman.
You've both attributed many posts to this newsgroup to be mine -
when they weren't.
I only ever post to usenet using Netscape Navigator.
Posts made using Forte Agent are not mine.
You might be able to figure that out by looking at the NNTP posting
host - which is unique for a given IP address.
Do you still let little Amish boys drive your tractor?
In your dreams.
You said so under another nym.
Says the lier.
Are you still stealing movies off the Internet - Smurfs was it?
I download from file lockers - which is legal because downloading is
not violating copyright law. Uploading (making available) is
technically a violation of copyright law.
Many more of your fellow countrymen use bit torrent to download
music and movies, and while doing so they also seed those files -
making them available to others.
I'll trade you one Justin Beiber for one Rob Ford.
Yes, I can see why you americans would more easily identify with an
ugly, fat, crack-using slob like Ford. Ford is the idealized version
of the typical american male.
Come back when you have something.
I, like the typical Canadian, have far more than the average
american. More wealth, more health, more happiness. What you
americans have is more debt, stress, and guns to kill yourselves
with. But maybe not bullets. I hear that your gov't has bought
billions of bullets to prepare for the coming civil riots and martial
law. Hope you have fun with that.
Aside from being a Punk, you are a fool. And. I just bitch slapped
You are such a sad fuck.
Watching you and your country slide into the toilet gives us
Canadians no end of enjoyment. You people deserve it after how you
screwed yourself up after 9/11.
Homo Gay, if you believe that the people of The United States are so
horrible, why do you keep interacting with them? There must be something
very wrong with you. O_o

2014-02-07 09:50:35 UTC
Post by Ben Bernake
This is not the America that I remember.
What in the world is happening to us?
Made in China
Kurt Ullman
2014-02-07 10:55:45 UTC
Post by Bubba
Post by Ben Bernake
This is not the America that I remember.
What in the world is happening to us?
Made in China
Or by robots.
³Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive,
but what they conceal is vital.²
‹ Aaron Levenstein
Gordon Shumway
2014-02-07 15:45:33 UTC
Post by Bubba
Post by Ben Bernake
This is not the America that I remember.
What in the world is happening to us?
Made in China
No, made in Kenya. We all know he's lied to us about keeping our
insurance plan, period; so he's probably lied to us about other things
including Hawaii.
2014-02-07 20:35:41 UTC
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by Bubba
Post by Ben Bernake
This is not the America that I remember.
What in the world is happening to us?
Made in China
No, made in Kenya. We all know he's lied to us about keeping our
insurance plan, period; so he's probably lied to us about other things
including Hawaii.
Good point. So we have two major things destroying the US.
2014-02-07 15:02:02 UTC
Post by Ben Bernake
What in the world is happening to us?
My (admittedly possibly BS) theory:

Power wants to coalesce and it is doing just that - aided by an ignorant
population whose bandwidth tends to be dominated by entertainment
masquerading as "news".
Pete Cresswell
The Professor
2014-02-07 15:35:58 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Post by Ben Bernake
What in the world is happening to us?
Power wants to coalesce and it is doing just that -
Power shifts all the time.

What you are really dealing with is the end of cheap petro-energy.

For the past 100 years, cheap oil has fueled the rise of your population
and standard of living.

Economic growth is heavily tied to energy. Energy availability and
cost. US foreign policy since WW2 has been focused primarily on issues
related to oil.

As a country, you are dealing very badly with the new global reality of
the high cost of oil. Oil used to make plastics, fertilizers, fuel,
solvents, etc. Oil used to heat your homes, power your transportion.

Your politicians realize that to control a growing and unruly population
requires totalitarianism and constant surveillance. You now have a
generation of youth that thinks it's normal for the gov't to know where
they are at all times, to know who they communicate with, what they like
and don't like, what they buy, and god knows what else. This is
fundamentally because your population has outgrown your economy's
ability to provide a stable (let alone an increasing) standard of
living. And the reason for that is because of the high cost of energy
today vs a decade ago.

You have two choices:

a) maintain or even increase your country's population (welcome millions
of mexicans as new US citizens, for example) and face a reduction in
your standard of living. Kiss your endangered species, your natural and
protected areas, your national parks goodbye. Train derailments, oil
spills will become a daily occurance.

b) stabilize and eventually reduce your population. Energy prices will
fall as demand goes down. Your natural environment, parks, lakes and
rivers will recover. Your individual standard of living will rise.
2014-02-07 15:48:40 UTC
Post by The Professor
Economic growth is heavily tied to energy. Energy availability and
cost. US foreign policy since WW2 has been focused primarily on issues
related to oil.
As a country, you are dealing very badly with the new global reality of
the high cost of oil. Oil used to make plastics, fertilizers, fuel,
solvents, etc. Oil used to heat your homes, power your transportion.
I was thinking more along the lines of 40+ percent of a certain subset
of the populace believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth 5,000 years
ago.... or the scenarios documented in Jay Leno's "Jay Walking" clips.

Taking your point, when I start to lose hope, I think of all the wild
cards that could be thrown at any time - like some sort of
really-cheap/efficient photovoltaic that could be used as roofing.... or
some genetically-engineered algae that produces combustible fuel cheaper
than it can be mined.
Pete Cresswell
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-07 17:43:26 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Post by The Professor
Economic growth is heavily tied to energy. Energy availability
and cost. US foreign policy since WW2 has been focused primarily
on issues related to oil.
As a country, you are dealing very badly with the new global
reality of the high cost of oil. Oil used to make plastics,
fertilizers, fuel, solvents, etc. Oil used to heat your homes,
power your transportion.
I was thinking more along the lines of 40+ percent of a certain
subset of the populace believing that dinosaurs roamed the earth
5,000 years ago.... or the scenarios documented in Jay Leno's "Jay
Walking" clips.
Taking your point, when I start to lose hope, I think of all the
wild cards that could be thrown at any time - like some sort of
really-cheap/efficient photovoltaic that could be used as roofing....
or some genetically-engineered algae that produces combustible fuel
cheaper than it can be mined.
You forgot switchgrass for alcohol production so corn can be used for
food again. ^_^

Ware my souler sells at? Ware my winmil at? Ware my lectric ride at?
Obama be done sed I be gitin free shit. Ware it at? o_O

2014-02-07 23:51:16 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Ware my souler sells at? Ware my winmil at? Ware my lectric ride at?
Obama be done sed I be gitin free shit. Ware it at? o_O
You got a phone - so make the call.
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-08 20:25:33 UTC
Post by Tekkie®
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...
And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Ware my souler sells at? Ware my winmil at? Ware my lectric ride
at? Obama be done sed I be gitin free shit. Ware it at? o_O
You got a phone - so make the call.
Dats rite ma homie! Eye gots me 1 O dem Obamaphones! ^_^

2014-02-11 00:43:59 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Tekkie®
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...
And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Ware my souler sells at? Ware my winmil at? Ware my lectric ride
at? Obama be done sed I be gitin free shit. Ware it at? o_O
You got a phone - so make the call.
Dats rite ma homie! Eye gots me 1 O dem Obamaphones! ^_^
Du day hav aye dierc buton tu rech da Prez? Du yu git mor minutz if yu vot mor dan onck?
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-11 01:36:33 UTC
Post by Tekkie®
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...
And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Tekkie®
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...
And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Ware my souler sells at? Ware my winmil at? Ware my lectric
ride at? Obama be done sed I be gitin free shit. Ware it at?
You got a phone - so make the call.
Dats rite ma homie! Eye gots me 1 O dem Obamaphones! ^_^
Du day hav aye dierc buton tu rech da Prez? Du yu git mor minutz if yu vot mor dan onck?
Eye ont noe bout dat ma homie, all da peepoles gets da saim amont O
minits cuz dey doant wanna be done scimatin ginst annebahdy. ^_^


Stormin Mormon
2014-02-07 16:02:12 UTC
Post by The Professor
a) maintain or even increase your country's population (welcome millions
of mexicans as new US citizens, for example) and face a reduction in
your standard of living. Kiss your endangered species, your natural and
protected areas, your national parks goodbye. Train derailments, oil
spills will become a daily occurance.
b) stabilize and eventually reduce your population. Energy prices will
fall as demand goes down. Your natural environment, parks, lakes and
rivers will recover. Your individual standard of living will rise.
c) vote out the environmental whackos who are
preventing us from developing domestic oil wells
and hydro fracking.
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
Bob F
2014-02-07 19:49:52 UTC
Post by Stormin Mormon
Post by The Professor
a) maintain or even increase your country's population (welcome
millions of mexicans as new US citizens, for example) and face a
reduction in your standard of living. Kiss your endangered species,
your natural and protected areas, your national parks goodbye. Train
derailments, oil spills will become a daily occurance.
b) stabilize and eventually reduce your population. Energy prices
will fall as demand goes down. Your natural environment, parks,
lakes and rivers will recover. Your individual standard of living
will rise.
c) vote out the environmental whackos who are
preventing us from developing domestic oil wells
and hydro fracking.
Somebody is preventing that? You'd better tell the people drilling the massive
#'s of new wells and fracking sites.
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-07 17:36:08 UTC
Post by The Professor
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Post by Ben Bernake
What in the world is happening to us?
Power wants to coalesce and it is doing just that -
Power shifts all the time.
What you are really dealing with is the end of cheap petro-energy.
For the past 100 years, cheap oil has fueled the rise of your
population and standard of living.
Economic growth is heavily tied to energy. Energy availability and
cost. US foreign policy since WW2 has been focused primarily on
issues related to oil.
As a country, you are dealing very badly with the new global reality
of the high cost of oil. Oil used to make plastics, fertilizers,
fuel, solvents, etc. Oil used to heat your homes, power your
Your politicians realize that to control a growing and unruly
population requires totalitarianism and constant surveillance. You
now have a generation of youth that thinks it's normal for the gov't
to know where they are at all times, to know who they communicate
with, what they like and don't like, what they buy, and god knows
what else. This is fundamentally because your population has
outgrown your economy's ability to provide a stable (let alone an
increasing) standard of living. And the reason for that is because
of the high cost of energy today vs a decade ago.
a) maintain or even increase your country's population (welcome
millions of mexicans as new US citizens, for example) and face a
reduction in your standard of living. Kiss your endangered species,
your natural and protected areas, your national parks goodbye. Train
derailments, oil spills will become a daily occurance.
b) stabilize and eventually reduce your population. Energy prices
will fall as demand goes down. Your natural environment, parks,
lakes and rivers will recover. Your individual standard of living
will rise.
So what we need is a genetically engineered predator that eats Mexicans
then urinates oil and defecates oil shale. ^_^

2014-02-07 23:54:56 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
So what we need is a genetically engineered predator that eats Mexicans
then urinates oil and defecates asphalt.
2014-02-07 17:49:36 UTC
On Fri, 07 Feb 2014 00:35:33 -0500, Ben Bernake
<***@Crime.Fed.Gov> wrote:

Vote right-wing. They'll pass a law making poor people middle
class. So I wouldn't worry about it. The middle class will NEVER
OTOH, I'd worry about food and shelter ............ and free
medical aid IF you manage to get old enough to need it.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2014-02-07 23:49:05 UTC
Ben Bernake posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by Ben Bernake
In Manhattan, the upscale clothing retailer Barneys will replace the
bankrupt discounter Loehmann?s, whose Chelsea store closes in a few
weeks. Across the country, Olive Garden and Red Lobster restaurants are
struggling, while fine-dining chains like Capital Grille are thriving.
And at General Electric, the increase in demand for high-end dishwashers
and refrigerators dwarfs sales growth of mass-market models.
Those two restaurants are owned by the same group. If you have been in one the past two years you
would know know why they are tanking. They played with the thriving products to "improve" profits.
like others before they refuse to acknowledge the errors of their ways. That's why I don't go to them
any more. Never been to Capital Grill. That is how business works.