Easy instruction to Make Own chicken Coop
(too old to reply)
2013-08-01 15:50:05 UTC
Whenever you raise chicken you need to provide them with an excellent chicken coop. A chicken coop can last longer only when you construct it with total knowledge of the building process involved and durable supplies.
here some recommendations will help you construct a chicken coop that remains on for years.
First Choosing the land area
Knowing where to build the coop is very important. You need an area that has a good level and is landscaped in the right way.
You could do your own bit of landscaping and make the area suitable or you could find an existing area in your backyard which is properly leveled to build the chicken coop on. The chicken coop should be be built in such a way that water puddles do not form below or around it during rains.
Second step: The base is important
You need to spend money when structuring the base of the coop. The building materials required for the base should be of high quality to keep the coop up for long.
Making Blueprints help in a big way
You need to plan ahead when you build your own chicken coop. Making the blueprint will help you in several ways-
You will have a structurally sound coop
You can build according to the plan without any confusion
You Can design the placement of doors and windows according to need in desired positions
If anyone else is helping you then he or she will know what is to be done by consulting the plan
Confusion during the building process can be avoided
You will have a neat looking coop when it is planned well
useful chicken coop plans Found Here

Door and windows of the coop
The door should be large enough for you to enter and leave without disturbing the chickens. The windows should be facing the south direction to get more breeze and sun to keep the coop warm.
Remember to secure the windows with wires to keep the chicken safe. You could even have glass windows that can be closed at night. A latch on the door is also required to prevent them from escaping.
Nest boxes position
The nest boxes should be off the ground but not more than 3 to 4 feet higher than the ground. Position them along the wall of the coop. Put enough straw in them to keep the hens comfortable.
important: Feeder in position
The feeder position is important when you build a chicken coop. The height of the feeder should be carefully planned. If placed at a higher level, the chickens will not be able to reach their food and if very low, then chickens will crowd around and scatter the food. So, make a notch and then build the feeder in such a way that it is at a comfortable position.

See More On : http://howtobuildingachickencoops.blogspot.com/
Bob F
2013-08-03 02:53:00 UTC
If you really have to spray this all over usenet, at least learn how to properly
crosspost rather than multi-posting everywhere.
Stan Brown
2013-08-03 11:39:28 UTC
Post by Bob F
If you really have to spray this all over usenet, at least learn how to properly
crosspost rather than multi-posting everywhere.
You do know that spammers don't read the groups they spam?
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Shikata ga nai...
Bob F
2013-08-04 04:24:56 UTC
Post by Stan Brown
Post by Bob F
If you really have to spray this all over usenet, at least learn how
to properly crosspost rather than multi-posting everywhere.
You do know that spammers don't read the groups they spam?
You have clear evidence this is always true?
Stan Brown
2013-08-04 14:21:01 UTC
Post by Bob F
Post by Stan Brown
Post by Bob F
If you really have to spray this all over usenet, at least learn how
to properly crosspost rather than multi-posting everywhere.
You do know that spammers don't read the groups they spam?
You have clear evidence this is always true?
Either you're trolling, or you've disingenuously put up a straw man.
Either way, I'm not playing.
Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Tompkins County, New York, USA
Shikata ga nai...