frig ripoff
(too old to reply)
2015-02-10 10:21:43 UTC
Bought new whirlpool frig only to discover operating cost will be hundreds of dollars per year more than my 15 yo GE because water filter needs to be replaced monthly... they really stick it to consumers in the price for the filters... it far outweighs energy cost savings claimed for newer frigs. This ripoff is not mentioned in features described in sales materials.
John Weiss
2015-02-10 19:26:10 UTC
Post by Frank
Bought new whirlpool frig only to discover operating cost will be
hundreds of dollars per year more than my 15 yo GE because water
filter needs to be replaced monthly... they really stick it to
consumers in the price for the filters... it far outweighs energy
cost savings claimed for newer frigs. This ripoff is not mentioned
in features described in sales materials.
You do NOT have to replace the water filter monthly! I replace mine
every year or so.
Gary Heston
2015-02-11 00:26:28 UTC
Post by Frank
Bought new whirlpool frig only to discover operating cost will be
hundreds of dollars per year more than my 15 yo GE because water filter
needs to be replaced monthly... they really stick it to consumers in the
price for the filters... it far outweighs energy cost savings claimed
for newer frigs. This ripoff is not mentioned in features described in
sales materials.
How do they force you to change it monthly? If it not clogged, don't
bother changing. Or, install an external filter to prevent the "monthly"
filter from ever clogging.

