Four teenagers carve swastika into forehead of 16-yr old Oregon boy (today's american feel-good story)
(too old to reply)
Will Robinson
2014-02-21 14:07:33 UTC
Today's american feel-good story involves typical american kids just
out, having fun, performing a little body-alteration decorations on each
other. Nothing that ObamaCare can't fix later in life when the parents
can afford it.


PORTLAND, Ore. (CBS Seattle) — Four teenagers carved a swastika into the
forehead of a 16-year-old boy.

February 20, 2014

The Oregonian reports that Jenna Montgomery, 15, Jess Taylor, 17, Blue
Kalmbach, 15, and a 14-year-old boy attacked the boy in a shed, shooting
him with a BB gun and hitting him with a crow bar, on top of carving a
swastika into his forehead.

The victim, 16-year-old Dustin Murrain, said he was lured by his David
Douglas High School classmate Jenna Montgomery into the shed where the
assault took place.

Murrain was hit in the back of the head with a crowbar and was shot with
a BB gun in the chest, groin and index finger.

A Multnomah County prosecutor’s affidavit states that Kalmbach then used
a box cutter to carve the swastika into Murrain.

“There’s no understanding what they did,” Kelli Murrain, the victim’s
mother, told KPTV. “You roll it around in your head go, ‘Oh my god, you
know, I could have lost my youngest son.’”

Murrain continued "but I must admit, they did to a nice job with the
swastika. The lines are sharp and clean - I admire the artistic effort
they put in. We are raising a fine generation of youth in america. I'm
proud of them. Now please excuse me while I take Dustin to see a
neurologist and see if we can't stop his seizures."

2014-02-22 16:48:02 UTC
Post by Will Robinson
The Oregonian reports that Jenna Montgomery, 15, Jess Taylor, 17,
Blue Kalmbach, 15, and a 14-year-old boy attacked the boy in a shed,
shooting him with a BB gun and hitting him with a crow bar, on top
of carving a swastika into his forehead.
Good - Good.
