Virginia Hospital patient raped by CT-scan technician (New ObamaCare Policy?)
(too old to reply)
Roy Anthony Jones
2014-04-15 13:45:52 UTC
So this is how the US health care system is better than Canada's?

Patients get "special injections" from employees?

BTW, we don't have scarry looking gorillas like this here in Canada:
Loading Image...

"One always has to exude caution,”
- says Deputy Police Chief Daniel Murray.

Apparently it's not always caution that is exuded within the US
healthcare system.



A former Virginia Hospital Center technician has been arrested and
charged with rape after a patient says he attacked her while she was
being treated in January.

30-year-old Roy Anthony Jones is being held without bond at the
Arlington County Detention Facility. He is expected to be arraigned on
Tuesday or Wednesday.

Photo of Roy Anthony Jones - a mild mannered hospital worker and
all-around average american guy

Police say a 37-year-old woman reported the rape happened in the early
morning hours of January 13. She says she was being treated in the
emergency room, and as part of that treatment, had gone to the
hospital's imaging center.

She says she was alone and that the CT scan technician, identified as
Jones, forced himself on her and raped her.

Police say the victim went back down to the emergency room and told
staffers she had been sexually assaulted. Someone called police.

In a statement issued by the Virginia Hospital Center, spokesperson
Maryanne Boster says, "All hospital employees go through an extensive
background check prior to employment."

The statement also says, "As soon as the incident was reported, the
individual was immediately placed on administrative leave and has been

Arlington police say DNA samples were collected and tested, and it was
only recently that they could make the full case against Jones. He was
arrested Monday morning and charged with rape.

Police say it is a disturbing crime.

"The problem is something could happen to anybody almost anywhere, so
one always has to exude caution,” says Deputy Police Chief Daniel
Murray. “But I'm extremely sympathetic to a patient trying to be in a
place where they're seeking treatment, where they're seeking care, and
then to have something tragically like this happen to them."
2014-04-15 21:22:16 UTC
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
2014-04-15 21:37:25 UTC
Post by Meanie
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
Yep. Home Guy suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Red Green
2014-04-15 23:42:24 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by Meanie
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
Yep. Home Guy suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
How 'bout Sucks A Dick
Red Green
2014-04-15 23:43:37 UTC
Post by Red Green
Post by Oren
Post by Meanie
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
Yep. Home Guy suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
How 'bout Sucks A Dick
Oh, wait. That's not fair to Dick...
2014-04-16 01:01:43 UTC
On Tue, 15 Apr 2014 23:43:37 +0000 (UTC), Red Green
Post by Red Green
Post by Red Green
Post by Oren
Post by Meanie
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
Yep. Home Guy suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
How 'bout Sucks A Dick
Oh, wait. That's not fair to Dick...
Right. Home Guy only holds it in his mouth until the swelling goes
down. If he had a dick, he should spit it out because it doesn't
belong to him.
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-16 16:18:40 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by Meanie
Another invidious whining Canadian with nothing better to do.
Yep. Home Guy suffers from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
Homo Gay has never been able to explain why he/she/it keeps engaging
Americans if he/she/it despises us so much. Heck, every Canadian I've
ever met or spoken with has been wonderful. I've noticed that all of the
Ant-American freaks who post to the group are in countries that have a
fraction of the population of The United States. With our population of
317+ million, there will be more weirdos and more crime than in their
tiny populations. To understand it, is not rocket surgery.

H/0/m/e G/u/y
2014-04-16 17:20:17 UTC
Another insightful and thought-provoking Canadian post
Yep. Home Guy observes our suffering, as we live in a country full
of criminals
Home Guy has never been able to explain why he/she/it keeps engaging
Americans if he/she/it despises us so much.
Still confused by the concepts of hatred vs criticism eh?

If only you americans would grow up and recognize the difference.
Heck, every Canadian I've ever met or spoken with has been wonderful.
Of course we are wonderful.

And we don't hold back when we point out flaws or problems in others.
With our population of 317+ million, there will be more weirdos
and more crime than in their tiny populations. To understand it,
is not rocket surgery.
The stuff that does happen happens at a rate that exceeds what you would
expect simply from having more people.

You are becoming unhinged as a nation, and it is really sad to see that
you don't even realize it or try to stop it.
2014-04-16 20:44:20 UTC
Post by H/0/m/e G/u/y
Another insightful and thought-provoking Canadian post
Yep. Home Guy observes our suffering, as we live in a country full
of criminals
Home Guy has never been able to explain why he/she/it keeps engaging
Americans if he/she/it despises us so much.
Still confused by the concepts of hatred vs criticism eh?
If only you americans would grow up and recognize the difference.
Heck, every Canadian I've ever met or spoken with has been wonderful.
Of course we are wonderful.
And we don't hold back when we point out flaws or problems in others.
With our population of 317+ million, there will be more weirdos
and more crime than in their tiny populations. To understand it,
is not rocket surgery.
The stuff that does happen happens at a rate that exceeds what you would
expect simply from having more people.
You are becoming unhinged as a nation, and it is really sad to see that
you don't even realize it or try to stop it.

2014-04-16 08:44:46 UTC
Time to ban Knives!!

"Roy Anthony Jones" <***@.com> wrote in message news:***@Virginia.Hospital.com...

CALGARY, Alberta - A University of Calgary university student was charged
in the fatal stabbing of five people at a house party Tuesday that the
police chief called the worst mass murder in the Canadian city's history.

Matthew Douglas de Grood, the son of a 33-year veteran of the Calgary
police force, picked up a large knife shortly after arriving at the party
and stabbed the victims one by one, said police Chief Rick Hanson.

"We have never seen five people killed at one scene," Hanson said. "The
scene was horrific."

Douglas de Grood, 22, was charged with five counts of murder late Tuesday.

The attack in the Western Canadian city came nearly a week after a teenage
boy stabbed and wounded 21 students at his high school outside Pittsburgh.

Hanson said the motive for the Calgary attack was unknown. He said the
suspect's father and mother are devastated.

"They are now feeling so much sorrow," he said. "Those young people are
dead and they are absolutely devastated."

Hanson said the identities of the five victims -four men and a woman -
will be released when autopsies are completed. He said their ages range
from 22 to 27 and they were all "good kids."

Neither they nor the suspect had any prior involvement with police, Hanson

He said it appears the attack took everyone at the party by surprise.

"Was there anything that precipitated the event? Was there something that
anyone had done that anyone could have taken as an insult or an affront to
this individual? To the best of our knowledge right now, there's nothing
to indicate anything like that happened," Hanson said.

About 20 people were at the party celebrating the last day of classes, he
said. He said the suspect left his work at a grocery store before arriving
to the party.

Three of the victims were found dead at the home, and two others died at a

Police said Douglas de Grood was arrested with the help of the police
canine unit about 40 minutes after the stabbings and was taken to hospital
for treatment for dog bites.

Hanson said there's nothing to indicate the suspect was drunk or had been
doing drugs.

He said police are interviewing witnesses.

The blue-sided house where the stabbings occurred is on a quiet,
tree-lined residential street. It was surrounded with yellow police tape
as medical examiner staff brought three bodies out on stretchers.

Neighbor Doug Jones said about a dozen students had been drinking beer
around a firepit in the backyard earlier in the night, but they weren't
rowdy. He said they were talking about politics and the stock market. They
took the party inside at about 9 p.m. and he heard nothing after that.

On Twitter, many students wrote about how they started drinking early in
the morning Monday and continued after the campus event at parties

University of Calgary President Elizabeth Cannon said they are "deeply
saddened" by the news. Cannon said it was a house party off campus.

"This is a terrible, terrible tragedy," Cannon said. "It's young people
who have lost their lives at a very critical point in their lifetimes.
It's a huge impact on all of us."

Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi offered condolences in a tweet.

"Thoughts and prayers of all Calgarians are with the young people we lost
this morning, their families, friends, and university community," the
mayor said.
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-16 16:21:42 UTC
Post by BurfordTJustice
Time to ban Knives!!
CALGARY, Alberta - A University of Calgary university student was
charged in the fatal stabbing of five people at a house party Tuesday
that the police chief called the worst mass murder in the Canadian
city's history.
Matthew Douglas de Grood, the son of a 33-year veteran of the
Calgary police force, picked up a large knife shortly after arriving
at the party and stabbed the victims one by one, said police Chief
Rick Hanson.
"We have never seen five people killed at one scene," Hanson said.
"The scene was horrific."
Douglas de Grood, 22, was charged with five counts of murder late Tuesday.
The attack in the Western Canadian city came nearly a week after a
teenage boy stabbed and wounded 21 students at his high school
outside Pittsburgh.
Hanson said the motive for the Calgary attack was unknown. He said
the suspect's father and mother are devastated.
"They are now feeling so much sorrow," he said. "Those young people
are dead and they are absolutely devastated."
Hanson said the identities of the five victims -four men and a woman
- will be released when autopsies are completed. He said their ages
range from 22 to 27 and they were all "good kids."
Neither they nor the suspect had any prior involvement with police,
Hanson said.
He said it appears the attack took everyone at the party by
"Was there anything that precipitated the event? Was there something
that anyone had done that anyone could have taken as an insult or an
affront to this individual? To the best of our knowledge right now,
there's nothing to indicate anything like that happened," Hanson
About 20 people were at the party celebrating the last day of
classes, he said. He said the suspect left his work at a grocery
store before arriving to the party.
Three of the victims were found dead at the home, and two others died
at a hospital.
Police said Douglas de Grood was arrested with the help of the
police canine unit about 40 minutes after the stabbings and was taken
to hospital for treatment for dog bites.
Hanson said there's nothing to indicate the suspect was drunk or had
been doing drugs.
He said police are interviewing witnesses.
The blue-sided house where the stabbings occurred is on a quiet,
tree-lined residential street. It was surrounded with yellow police
tape as medical examiner staff brought three bodies out on
Neighbor Doug Jones said about a dozen students had been drinking
beer around a firepit in the backyard earlier in the night, but they
weren't rowdy. He said they were talking about politics and the stock
market. They took the party inside at about 9 p.m. and he heard
nothing after that.
On Twitter, many students wrote about how they started drinking early
in the morning Monday and continued after the campus event at
parties elsewhere.
University of Calgary President Elizabeth Cannon said they are
"deeply saddened" by the news. Cannon said it was a house party off
"This is a terrible, terrible tragedy," Cannon said. "It's young
people who have lost their lives at a very critical point in their
lifetimes. It's a huge impact on all of us."
Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi offered condolences in a tweet.
"Thoughts and prayers of all Calgarians are with the young people we
lost this morning, their families, friends, and university
community," the mayor said.
It's all the fault of George Bush. ^_^

2014-04-16 18:59:32 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by BurfordTJustice
"Thoughts and prayers of all Calgarians are with the young people we
lost this morning, their families, friends, and university
community," the mayor said.
It's all the fault of George Bush. ^_^
Which one? 41 or 43?
G. Morgan
2014-04-16 15:06:48 UTC
Post by Roy Anthony Jones
A former Virginia Hospital Center technician has been arrested and
charged with rape after a patient says he attacked her while she was
being treated in January.
30-year-old Roy Anthony Jones is being held without bond at the
Arlington County Detention Facility. He is expected to be arraigned on
Tuesday or Wednesday.
What does that have to do with Obamacare?
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety,
deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Ben Franklin
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-16 16:26:31 UTC
Post by G. Morgan
Post by Roy Anthony Jones
A former Virginia Hospital Center technician has been arrested and
charged with rape after a patient says he attacked her while she was
being treated in January.
30-year-old Roy Anthony Jones is being held without bond at the
Arlington County Detention Facility. He is expected to be arraigned on
Tuesday or Wednesday.
What does that have to do with Obamacare?
Obama Care is putting more and more Affirmative Action morons in charge
of our medical care just like the infestation of government by them
which has been accelerated by the Obama Administration. ^_^
