What made that weird BE-BOOP sound outside last night?
(too old to reply)
2016-06-25 15:02:04 UTC
[Vaguely house related; no place else to put this]

While trying to fall asleep last night, starting at about 11:15PM I
heard an obviously electronic "BE-BOOP" sound repeated at intervals of 2
to 3 minutes. It went on for a few hours, keeping me awake as I went
slightly nuts trying to figure out what it was.

The sound was similar to the sound made by police and commercial two-way
radios to let the parties know that the sending station had stopped
talking. There's nothing in the house that has ever made that sort
of sound, and nothing that is supposed to make that sort of sound.

It was clearly not coming from inside the house, and was only audible
from the bedroom and kitchen which have windows which open to the back
yard. There are neighbors on either side and an more across the alley.
Our back yard has a 5' cedar fence all the way around, and the two rear
gates are locked.

So far as I could tell, there were no people, cars or trucks in the
alley, and there was no sign of anyone doing anything in the nearby

I didn't go outside and look up to see if there was a UFO hovering
overhead, so that possibility shouldn't be excluded.

Anyway, would anybody care to offer some insight or guesses about what
sort of thing I might have been hearing last night?
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
Moe DeLoughan
2016-06-27 18:05:08 UTC
Post by Bert
[Vaguely house related; no place else to put this]
While trying to fall asleep last night, starting at about 11:15PM I
heard an obviously electronic "BE-BOOP" sound repeated at intervals of 2
to 3 minutes. It went on for a few hours, keeping me awake as I went
slightly nuts trying to figure out what it was.
The sound was similar to the sound made by police and commercial two-way
radios to let the parties know that the sending station had stopped
talking. There's nothing in the house that has ever made that sort
of sound, and nothing that is supposed to make that sort of sound.
It was clearly not coming from inside the house, and was only audible
from the bedroom and kitchen which have windows which open to the back
yard. There are neighbors on either side and an more across the alley.
Our back yard has a 5' cedar fence all the way around, and the two rear
gates are locked.
So far as I could tell, there were no people, cars or trucks in the
alley, and there was no sign of anyone doing anything in the nearby
I didn't go outside and look up to see if there was a UFO hovering
overhead, so that possibility shouldn't be excluded.
Anyway, would anybody care to offer some insight or guesses about what
sort of thing I might have been hearing last night?
You may have had a neighbor using a scanner app to listen to a
police/fire frequency, and had the volume up loud enough for you to hear.

You may have had a vehicle with a two-way radio running in the
vicinity but out of sight. A couple of years ago we had an Xcel truck
parked on the street for a few hours and we heard that. Didn't hear
any conversations, just the squelch or whatever they call it. Same
thing previously with an SPRWS truck parked at the end of the block.
That one was out of sight, prompting me to go out and hunt it down.
2016-06-27 19:20:59 UTC
Post by Moe DeLoughan
You may have had a vehicle with a two-way radio running in the
vicinity but out of sight. A couple of years ago we had an Xcel truck
parked on the street for a few hours and we heard that. Didn't hear
any conversations, just the squelch or whatever they call it. Same
thing previously with an SPRWS truck parked at the end of the block.
That one was out of sight, prompting me to go out and hunt it down.
This makes more sense than anything I came up with (except the UFO).

It had been the first 90F day in a while and maybe Xcel was out hunting
down a transformer that was feeling the strain from everybody turning on
their AC at once.

If it happens again, I'll put on some shoes (and maybe some pants) and
take a look around.
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN