American Men Who Work Full-Time Today Earn Less Than They Did in 1973
(too old to reply)
2014-04-29 01:27:53 UTC
Men Who Work Full-Time Earn Less Than 40 Years Ago
April 28, 2014

(CNSNews.com) - The real median income of American men who work
full-time, year-round peaked forty years ago in 1973, according to data
published by the U.S. Census Bureau.

In 1973, median earnings for men who worked full-time, year-round were
$51,670 in inflation-adjusted 2012 dollars. The median earnings of men
who work full-time year-round have never been that high again.


In 2012, the latest year for which the Census Bureau has published an
estimate, the real median earnings of men who worked full-time,
year-round was $49,398. That was $2,272—or about 4.4 percent—below the
peak median earnings of $51,670 in 1973.

In 1960, the earliest year for which the Census Bureau has published
this data, the median earnings for men who worked full-time, year-round
were $36,420 in 2012 dollars. Between 1960 and 1973 that increased
$15,250—or about 41.9 percent.

Median Earnings for Women Who Work Full-Time

By comparison, the real median earnings of American women who work
full-time year-round peaked in 2007, when women who worked full-time
earned $38,872 in constant 2012 dollars. From 1960 through 2007, the
real income of American women who work full-time increased $16,774 or
about 76 percent. From 2007 to 2012, the real earnings of women who
work full-time declined $1,081, or about 2.8 percent.


By “earnings,” the Census Bureau means money someone earns as an
employee, which “includes wages, salary, armed forces pay, commissions,
tips, piece-rate payments, and cash bonuses earned, before deductions
are made for items such as taxes, bonds, pensions, and union dues.” It
also includes “net income” from self-employment.
2014-04-29 01:38:23 UTC
On Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:27:53 -0400, \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
<"\\H\\o\\m\\e\\"@\\G\\u\\y\\.\\c\\o\\m\\> wrote:

Homo Gay. Americans today do not pay 18.83% mortgage interest like
under President Jimmy Carter.

STFU. My invitation for you to come snipe hunting still stands.

Tony Hwang
2014-04-29 01:58:23 UTC
Post by Oren
On Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:27:53 -0400, \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
Homo Gay. Americans today do not pay 18.83% mortgage interest like
under President Jimmy Carter.
STFU. My invitation for you to come snipe hunting still stands.
Ignore him. He is a moron. Ignoring is best for a guy like him.
Canucks are not any better off either sitting on mountain of debts.
Most likely he does too.
2014-04-29 02:05:44 UTC
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignore him. He is a moron.
So reporting factual information somehow makes me a moron?
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignoring is best for a guy like him.
Yes - stick your head in the ground and ignore me. Show me how ignorant
you are.
Post by Tony Hwang
Canucks are not any better off either sitting on mountain of debts.
Us Canucks are not likely to ever have to declare bankruptcy over
medical bills.
Post by Tony Hwang
Most likely he does too.
I have no debt.

I own about $1m in real estate (no mortgage) and have about another $1m
cash in the bank.
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-29 10:35:29 UTC
Post by \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignore him. He is a moron.
So reporting factual information somehow makes me a moron?
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignoring is best for a guy like him.
Yes - stick your head in the ground and ignore me. Show me how ignorant
you are.
Post by Tony Hwang
Canucks are not any better off either sitting on mountain of debts.
Us Canucks are not likely to ever have to declare bankruptcy over
medical bills.
Post by Tony Hwang
Most likely he does too.
I have no debt.
I own about $1m in real estate (no mortgage) and have about another $1m
cash in the bank.
Homo Gay, was a U.S. citizen mean to you when you were a little kid? You
have never answered the question of why a wealthy Canadian such as you
who hates and despises Americans so much would keep trying to carry on a
dialog with people you consider to be beneath you, not geographically
but in every other way? It seems odd that such a rich man/woman/eunuch
would waste his/her/its time with anyone out of his/her/its class. Such
behavior could be attributed to mental illness but I'm not a mental
health care professional. I have, over a number of years, observed the
aberrant behavior of those possessing a limited development in brain
power which makes it all but impossible for them to interact with others
in a sane and reasonable manor so I really must wonder what happened to
you Homo Gay? It must have been a tragedy of some sort? o_O

2014-04-29 12:58:52 UTC
On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 05:35:29 -0500, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignore him. He is a moron.
So reporting factual information somehow makes me a moron?
Post by Tony Hwang
Ignoring is best for a guy like him.
Yes - stick your head in the ground and ignore me. Show me how ignorant
you are.
Post by Tony Hwang
Canucks are not any better off either sitting on mountain of debts.
Us Canucks are not likely to ever have to declare bankruptcy over
medical bills.
Post by Tony Hwang
Most likely he does too.
I have no debt.
I own about $1m in real estate (no mortgage) and have about another $1m
cash in the bank.
Homo Gay, was a U.S. citizen mean to you when you were a little kid? You
have never answered the question of why a wealthy Canadian such as you
who hates and despises Americans so much would keep trying to carry on a
dialog with people you consider to be beneath you, not geographically
but in every other way? It seems odd that such a rich man/woman/eunuch
would waste his/her/its time with anyone out of his/her/its class. Such
behavior could be attributed to mental illness but I'm not a mental
health care professional. I have, over a number of years, observed the
aberrant behavior of those possessing a limited development in brain
power which makes it all but impossible for them to interact with others
in a sane and reasonable manor so I really must wonder what happened to
you Homo Gay? It must have been a tragedy of some sort? o_O
I haven't seen any evidence that he hates Americans. He isn't too
pleased with the way our economic system is functioning, and neither
am I. Nor are the rest of you from what I read. It is not functioning
very well.
Zaky Waky
2014-04-29 20:24:30 UTC
Post by dgk
I haven't seen any evidence that he hates Americans. He isn't too
pleased with the way our economic system is functioning, and neither
am I. Nor are the rest of you from what I read. It is not functioning
very well.
Let me guess: You didn't earn/save/invest enough for your retirement
figuring that SS would carry you. Instead you were into the conspicuous
consumption ethic, and now you want someone else to foot the bill for you.
Or maybe you figured you could work forever but then saw your job go to

Or by "not functioning very well" do you mean that you have plenty of $$
and want to pay more taxes to help out your fellow citizens?

Why not just get on SS disability, or are you already on it?
2014-04-29 13:20:50 UTC
Home Guy, was a U.S. citizen mean to you when you were a little kid?
I lived in a border city when I was a little kid.

My dad worked for an engineering company in Detroit starting right after
the company he was working for in Toronto folded. That company was -
Avro. (yes, my dad worked on the Avro Arrow). We shopped in Detroit and
surrounding suburbs many times, we watched US TV growing up. I made and
sold TV decoders for US pay tv that we could recieve in Windsor.
You have never answered the question of why a wealthy Canadian such
as you who hates and despises Americans so much would keep trying
to carry on a dialog with people you consider to be beneath you,
not geographically but in every other way?
When I was in grad school, in the early 1990's, I told my friends that
if I wasn't living in the US by the time I was 40, just shoot me. Take
a gun and put me out of my misery. That is no lie.

By the time I hit 40 (which was after 9/11) you couldn't pay me to live
in the US.

It's too bad things have changed so much.

Too bad for you and your fellow americans.

(deleted - cynical attempt at psychoanalysis)
so I really must wonder what happened to you Home Guy?
It must have been a tragedy of some sort? o_O

Watching the US slide into the toilet over the past 14 years is nothing
less than a tragedy.
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-29 16:29:12 UTC
Post by H*o*m*e*G*u*y
Post by The Daring Dufas
Homo Gay, was a U.S. citizen mean to you when you were a little kid?
I lived in a border city when I was a little kid.
My dad worked for an engineering company in Detroit starting right after
the company he was working for in Toronto folded. That company was -
Avro. (yes, my dad worked on the Avro Arrow). We shopped in Detroit and
surrounding suburbs many times, we watched US TV growing up. I made and
sold TV decoders for US pay tv that we could recieve in Windsor.
So your dad worked on The Avro Arrow project and you're angry because
your government cancelled the project after your prime minister bowed to
pressure from the U.S. Military Industrial Complex instead of telling
American officials to to get stuffed? I understand now that you made
your huge fortune by manufacturing illegal decoding devices for pay TV.
When I was a little kid, I played being a pirate but you turned it into
a way of making a living. ^_^
Post by H*o*m*e*G*u*y
Post by The Daring Dufas
You have never answered the question of why a wealthy Canadian such
as you who hates and despises Americans so much would keep trying
to carry on a dialog with people you consider to be beneath you,
not geographically but in every other way?
When I was in grad school, in the early 1990's, I told my friends that
if I wasn't living in the US by the time I was 40, just shoot me. Take
a gun and put me out of my misery. That is no lie.
By the time I hit 40 (which was after 9/11) you couldn't pay me to live
in the US.
It's too bad things have changed so much.
Too bad for you and your fellow americans.
To bad for you and your fellow canadians that our countries are so
closely linked but you still haven't answered the question.
Post by H*o*m*e*G*u*y
(deleted - cynical attempt at psychoanalysis)
Selective reading on your part. I wrote that I'm not a mental health
care professional and don't have the required credentials to make a
professional determination of your mental health but I have a lot of
experience observing the aberrant behavior of the crazy people who are
running loose in the world and you share many of their characteristics.
Post by H*o*m*e*G*u*y
Post by The Daring Dufas
so I really must wonder what happened to you Homo Gay?
It must have been a tragedy of some sort? o_O
Watching the US slide into the toilet over the past 14 years is nothing
less than a tragedy.
Gosh Homo Gay, if The United States descends into financial chaos, you
Canadians will have to deal with all the American drybacks sneaking
across your Southern border into your country looking for work and a
better way of life. Americans will be working for less money, being
payed under the table, not paying taxes and putting a big drain on your
welfare and health care systems. Oh My God! It would be terrible. The
drybacks will start multiplying and demanding rights, committing voter
fraud and your politicians will start catering to them in order to get
elected. It would be such a tragedy for Canada. ^_^

2014-04-29 17:23:22 UTC
On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 11:29:12 -0500, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Gosh Homo Gay, if The United States descends into financial chaos, you
Canadians will have to deal with all the American drybacks sneaking
across your Southern border into your country looking for work and a
better way of life. Americans will be working for less money, being
payed under the table, not paying taxes and putting a big drain on your
welfare and health care systems. Oh My God! It would be terrible. The
drybacks will start multiplying and demanding rights, committing voter
fraud and your politicians will start catering to them in order to get
elected. It would be such a tragedy for Canada. ^_^
... and demanding political correctness: "undocumented grazers"

"Drybacks" is racist.
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-29 18:21:42 UTC
Post by Oren
On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 11:29:12 -0500, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Gosh Homo Gay, if The United States descends into financial chaos,
you Canadians will have to deal with all the American drybacks
sneaking across your Southern border into your country looking for
work and a better way of life. Americans will be working for less
money, being payed under the table, not paying taxes and putting a
big drain on your welfare and health care systems. Oh My God! It
would be terrible. The drybacks will start multiplying and
demanding rights, committing voter fraud and your politicians will
start catering to them in order to get elected. It would be such a
tragedy for Canada. ^_^
... and demanding political correctness: "undocumented grazers"
"Drybacks" is racist.
Please forgive me my honky friend. ^_^

2014-04-29 19:21:54 UTC
On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 13:21:42 -0500, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Please forgive me my honky friend. ^_^

"As astonishing evidence of the raw appeal of the robes of victimhood,
the female motorist who struck and killed a teenage cyclist 18 months
ago is now suing the estate of the dead boy for more than $1 million.

According to a statement of claim filed in Ontario Superior Court last
December by the woman’s lawyer, Sharlene Simon “has sustained and will
sustain great pain and suffering,” including “a severe shock to her
system” as a result of the crash.

“…her enjoyment of life has been and will be lessened,” the document


....blame the victim, eh?
The Daring Dufas
2014-04-30 08:18:29 UTC
Post by Oren
On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 13:21:42 -0500, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Please forgive me my honky friend. ^_^
"As astonishing evidence of the raw appeal of the robes of victimhood,
the female motorist who struck and killed a teenage cyclist 18 months
ago is now suing the estate of the dead boy for more than $1 million.
According to a statement of claim filed in Ontario Superior Court last
December by the woman’s lawyer, Sharlene Simon “has sustained and will
sustain great pain and suffering,” including “a severe shock to her
system” as a result of the crash.
“…her enjoyment of life has been and will be lessened,” the document
....blame the victim, eh?
Wasn't there a guy in Minnesota convicted of murder for killing two
burglars who broke into his home? Welcome to The U.K., they knew sooner
or later that the colonies would come around to their way of thinking. O_o

2014-05-12 22:41:53 UTC
You have never answered the question of why a wealthy Canadian such
as you who hates and despises Americans so much
Do you still beat your wife? Or is the premis of the question wrong?
would keep trying to carry on a dialog with people you consider to
be beneath you, not geographically but in every other way?
Ever notice that this fool has never answered the question from Mr.
I've answered the question before.

You rub the puppy's nose in his pee not because you hate him - you do it
because you want him to learn from his mistakes.

Nobody, least of all your own cowardly media, is rubbing your nose in
your mistakes. As a country, you're sliding into the toilet, one bad
decision after another.

2014-04-29 13:01:17 UTC
Post by \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
So reporting factual information somehow makes me a moron?
No, reporting factual information doesn't make a person a moron.
What makes a person a moron is not realizing that much the same
thing would have happened here in Canada since 1973. I expect
if the same study were to be done on Canadian workers, it would
mirror the results for American workers.
Not only in N.A. It is not too much exaggeration to say it is
world wide phenomenon.
For BOTH of you - You're both WRONG.

I posted the following last Tuesday (April 22).

It shows how Canada's middle-class income has shot up since the year
2000 and now exceeds the US.

And it's not a world-wide phenomena. Many other western countries have
also seen their middle-class incomes rise with respect to the americans.

For Canada and many other western countries, incomes have not been
stagnant has they have been in the US for the past 40 years, and
especially the last 14 years.

There is a huge transfer of wealth in the US from the poor and
middle-class to the upper 1% of the population over the past 14 years.
One key way to make this happen is to stagnate real income. It's not
happening like this in other countries - especially Canada.



After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada — substantially behind in 2000
— now appear to be higher than in the United States. The poor in much of
Europe earn more than poor Americans.

Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States
income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median
incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United
States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and
Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.

In European countries hit hardest by recent financial crises, such as
Greece and Portugal, incomes have of course fallen sharply in recent

The income data were compiled by LIS, a group that maintains the
Luxembourg Income Study Database. The numbers were analyzed by
researchers at LIS and by The Upshot, a New York Times website covering
policy and politics, and reviewed by outside academic economists.

The struggles of the poor in the United States are even starker than
those of the middle class. A family at the 20th percentile of the income
distribution in this country makes significantly less money than a
similar family in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland or the Netherlands.
Thirty-five years ago, the reverse was true.
Tony Hwang
2014-04-29 15:29:18 UTC
Post by H*o*m*e*G*u*y
Post by \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
So reporting factual information somehow makes me a moron?
No, reporting factual information doesn't make a person a moron.
What makes a person a moron is not realizing that much the same
thing would have happened here in Canada since 1973. I expect
if the same study were to be done on Canadian workers, it would
mirror the results for American workers.
Not only in N.A. It is not too much exaggeration to say it is
world wide phenomenon.
For BOTH of you - You're both WRONG.
I posted the following last Tuesday (April 22).
It shows how Canada's middle-class income has shot up since the year
2000 and now exceeds the US.
And it's not a world-wide phenomena. Many other western countries have
also seen their middle-class incomes rise with respect to the americans.
For Canada and many other western countries, incomes have not been
stagnant has they have been in the US for the past 40 years, and
especially the last 14 years.
There is a huge transfer of wealth in the US from the poor and
middle-class to the upper 1% of the population over the past 14 years.
One key way to make this happen is to stagnate real income. It's not
happening like this in other countries - especially Canada.
After-tax middle-class incomes in Canada — substantially behind in 2000
— now appear to be higher than in the United States. The poor in much of
Europe earn more than poor Americans.
Median income in Canada pulled into a tie with median United States
income in 2010 and has most likely surpassed it since then. Median
incomes in Western European countries still trail those in the United
States, but the gap in several — including Britain, the Netherlands and
Sweden — is much smaller than it was a decade ago.
In European countries hit hardest by recent financial crises, such as
Greece and Portugal, incomes have of course fallen sharply in recent
The income data were compiled by LIS, a group that maintains the
Luxembourg Income Study Database. The numbers were analyzed by
researchers at LIS and by The Upshot, a New York Times website covering
policy and politics, and reviewed by outside academic economists.
The struggles of the poor in the United States are even starker than
those of the middle class. A family at the 20th percentile of the income
distribution in this country makes significantly less money than a
similar family in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Finland or the Netherlands.
Thirty-five years ago, the reverse was true.
Right, let me see here in Alberta average per household income is 120K,
the highest in the country and we have free health care, no provincial
sales tax, lowest unemployment, labor shortage imported many foreign
workers from within and outside. Result? Average per household debt is
highest, they buy new cars(car business is booming), over million dollar
houses, tallying up the total debt. Really they are broke but as long as
they have job, they are staying above water. Is this reality good?
Overseas, Greek is typical example people expect government produce
miracles, they want higher wages for less work, want all the free bees,
while country is broke going down the tube, they go out to streets for
violent demonstration..... Is there any country in the world running on
balanced budget?
2014-04-29 02:11:50 UTC
Post by Tony Hwang
Post by Oren
On Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:27:53 -0400, \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
Homo Gay. Americans today do not pay 18.83% mortgage interest like
under President Jimmy Carter.
STFU. My invitation for you to come snipe hunting still stands.
Ignore him. He is a moron. Ignoring is best for a guy like him.
Canucks are not any better off either sitting on mountain of debts.
Most likely he does too.
I know. I know. It is fun to bitch slap him/her/it now and them
though. Last he mentioned, is he/she/it only had a mobile home with
flat tires. Something from a salvage yard, I recall.
2014-04-29 03:40:01 UTC
Post by Oren
On Mon, 28 Apr 2014 21:27:53 -0400, \\H\\o\\m\\e\\G\\u\\y\\
Homo Gay. Americans today do not pay 18.83% mortgage interest like
under President Jimmy Carter.
I wish the hell that they did. If so maybe we could get some decent
interest rates on CD's.
2014-04-29 11:59:33 UTC
Post by IGot2P
I wish the hell that they did. If so maybe we could get some decent
interest rates on CD's.
How come nobody talks about this? The flip side of near-zero interest
rates is that all the little people with a few bucks in the bank wind up
subsidizing the businesses that benefit from those low rates: their
money not only does not earn interest, it's value is debased over time
by inflation.
Pete Cresswell