Why no microwave/convection oven temperature probes anymore?
(too old to reply)
Mark F
2014-11-06 15:10:26 UTC
I am about to replace a circa 2000 over-the-range
microwave/convection oven and GE no longer has
a temperature probe in any of their models.

GE didn't say that there was a new feature to replace the
temperature probe.

Does anyone know why so few, if any, current microwave/convection
ovens has a temperature probe?

Does anyone know of current microwave/convection ovens
with a temperature probe?

(See also my related question about carousels versus
hidden rotors that rotate the microwave field instead of the
2014-11-17 09:02:20 UTC
Post by Mark F
I am about to replace a circa 2000 over-the-range
microwave/convection oven and GE no longer has
a temperature probe in any of their models.
GE didn't say that there was a new feature to replace the
temperature probe.
Does anyone know why so few, if any, current
Post by Mark F
ovens has a temperature probe?
Does anyone know of current microwave/convection ovens
with a temperature probe?
(See also my related question about carousels versus
hidden rotors that rotate the microwave field instead of the
Most of your answer relates to your carousel question. It is
impossible to make a probe work with a carousel, and most if not
all new microwaves do not allow you to turn the carousel off.
Another reason is that most people didn't know how to use a
probe properly and so got poor results. This lead to them not
using the probe at all, and it not being a feature they wanted
in a new microwave. And finally, almost all microwaves now have
a rather intelligent humidity sensing feature that allows about
the same results that were obtained by a probe, without a
probe's problems.

I have had both types, and will take a carousel/humidity sensor
over a probe any day of the week.
