Joe Biden Tries to Sign Canadian Woman Up for Obamacare
(too old to reply)
Joe Biden
2014-03-01 23:42:23 UTC
This is classic Biden.

I can see his aides and handlers hitting their foreheads and saying
"Doh!" over this one.

Give the lady a few more minutes, and she would have said:

"Why don't we try a state-based single-payer system?
I hear it works good up in Canada."


Biden Tries to Sign Canadian Woman Up for Obamacare
2:32 PM, Mar 1, 2014 • By DANIEL HALPER

Vice President Joe Biden tried to convince a young Canadian woman to
sign up for Obamacare:

"Vice President Biden moving in close to sell the Affordable Care Act to
a young woman outside Butterfield's Pancake House in Scottsdale," says
the local reporter.

Biden told the young Canadian: "We gotta make sure everybody young
person signs up for health care. It's affordable. You can get subsidies
to do it. And it's in your interest. And if you don't even want to do it
for yourself. do it for your parents, give 'em peace of mind."

The local reporter though took the time to find out a little bit about
the woman the vice president pitched. "Turns out that woman is not even
a U.S. resident. She's visiting from Canada," says the reporter.

"I just didn't know if I should just say, I'm sorry--Canadian, don't
know if I can help you out," says the Canadian woman. "He's for it, I'm
for it. And I hope it works out here."

The vice president was visiting Scottsdale, Arizona.

Watch the news clip here:

Dean Hoffman
2014-03-02 00:35:07 UTC
Post by Joe Biden
This is classic Biden.
I can see his aides and handlers hitting their foreheads and saying
"Doh!" over this one.
"Why don't we try a state-based single-payer system?
I hear it works good up in Canada."
Some cut due to AIOE quotation limits.

That's funny. She doesn't look Canadian.
Ya know, like this:
Home Guy
2014-03-02 01:01:56 UTC
Post by Dean Hoffman
Some cut due to AIOE quotation limits.
For one thing, you shouldn't be full-quoting.

For another, even if you did full-quote that post, and added 3 lines to
the bottom, AIOE would have accepted the post with no problems.
2014-03-02 04:46:03 UTC
Post by Home Guy
For one thing, you shouldn't be full-quoting.
Nym shifts twice in one thread and is giving others advice.

Oh Canada!
