Cutting off your nose to spite your face: DHS blocks salt shipment to NJ
(too old to reply)
Jeh Johnson
2014-02-18 13:43:00 UTC
What you americans have become absolute masters of since 9/11 is being
able to cut off your nose to spite your face. The most recent example
being this:

N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would
arrive from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American
flag and officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security
to come to the Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving
the salt in Maine.

I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.

Posted: Feb 17, 2014

The salt shortage persists in New Jersey. Officials have failed to get
permission for a barge with 40 tons of salt to set sail for the tristate

Angel Morales, a resident of Jersey City says her car just won’t go

“Look, you see I went up and I started sliding back,” she said.

N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would arrive
from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American flag and
officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security to come to the
Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving the salt in Maine.

Now municipalities are counting on smaller shipments from suppliers.
Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop says he's been waiting for salt for two

"We got 200 tons today we are expecting another 300 tons today” said the
mayor. “To put it in perspective we use about 800 tons this will get us
through one more snow storm. One more storm we will be back in this
place so we really need some larger relief. "

Jersey City has been using the more expensive liquid brine and sand to
combat the snow on city streets. Residents say snow mounds and places to
dump the snow are also a problem.

Officials say they are working with Homeland Security to get larger
shipments of salt for the area.

2014-02-18 14:26:22 UTC
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.

The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.

The "Jones Act" requires all shipping between US ports be done on US
registered ships with crews made up of US citizens.
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
2014-02-18 22:08:08 UTC
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
Post by Bert
The "Jones Act" requires all shipping between US ports be done on US
registered ships with crews made up of US citizens.
Gordon Shumway
2014-02-18 22:27:56 UTC
Post by micky
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
Post by micky
Post by Bert
The "Jones Act" requires all shipping between US ports be done on US
registered ships with crews made up of US citizens.
2014-02-18 23:05:02 UTC
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
Right. Union dues are used to elect democrats into office. Not for the
benefit its members. Companies go broke because of unions.

Look at the UAW vote in Nashville and their loss. Suddenly, plant
workers are being called, or it is implied they a racist. A worker
there would loose three dollars an hour in wages to unionize.
2014-02-19 00:38:12 UTC
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
Right. Union dues are used to elect democrats into office. Not for the
benefit its members. Companies go broke because of unions.
Look at the UAW vote in Nashville and their loss. Suddenly, plant
workers are being called, or it is implied they a racist. A worker
there would loose three dollars an hour in wages to unionize.
Chattanooga - not Nashville, oops
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-20 19:50:13 UTC
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only
to serve the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
Right. Union dues are used to elect democrats into office. Not for
the benefit its members. Companies go broke because of unions.
Look at the UAW vote in Nashville and their loss. Suddenly, plant
workers are being called, or it is implied they a racist. A worker
there would loose three dollars an hour in wages to unionize.
Well, union members are a separate race of people. My favorite racists
are the Climate Racists. ^_^

2014-02-20 20:34:17 UTC
On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:50:13 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only
to serve the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
Right. Union dues are used to elect democrats into office. Not for
the benefit its members. Companies go broke because of unions.
Look at the UAW vote in Nashville and their loss. Suddenly, plant
workers are being called, or it is implied they a racist. A worker
there would loose three dollars an hour in wages to unionize.
Well, union members are a separate race of people. My favorite racists
are the Climate Racists. ^_^
Now, Sec. John "Frankenstein" Kerry has declared global
warming/climate change/what name next; a WMD, speaking in Indonesia
the other day. They've created a monster.

I bet "Frankenstein" forgets where his Hunt's Ketchup comes from.
2014-02-20 20:56:20 UTC
Well, union members are a separate race of people. My favorite >racists are the Climate Racists. ^_^
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?

Or that it is happening, but is not caused by human activity?
Pete Cresswell
2014-02-20 21:13:12 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?
Haven't you heard? Don't call it "global warming," call it "climate

It's a way to cover your ass in case something you weren't expecting
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
2014-02-20 22:12:38 UTC
Post by Bert
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?
Haven't you heard? Don't call it "global warming," call it "climate
It's a way to cover your ass in case something you weren't expecting
It's called "talking out both sides of your mouth".
Liberals are like Chameleons. They keep changing colors. -- © Oren
2014-02-21 01:01:46 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by Bert
It's a way to cover your ass in case something you weren't expecting
It's called "talking out both sides of your mouth".
I wasn't too excited about the newspeak - wondered where it came
from.... the media or the pols...

But, to put the best spin on it, "Climate Change" allows room for the
panoply of weird stuff that's coming our way that is not restricted to
just being warmer.
Pete Cresswell
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-21 09:20:31 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by Bert
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?
Haven't you heard? Don't call it "global warming," call it
"climate change." It's a way to cover your ass in case something
you weren't expecting happens.
It's called "talking out both sides of your mouth".
I thought it was, "talking out of both ends of your body"? o_O

Gordon Shumway
2014-02-20 21:43:33 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Well, union members are a separate race of people. My favorite >racists are the Climate Racists. ^_^
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?
Or that it is happening, but is not caused by human activity?
Climate change definitely is happening. Climate change is a natural
process that is part of the cycle of global warming and cooling. This
has been going on long before humans got here.

What's your point?
2014-02-21 01:02:21 UTC
Post by Gordon Shumway
What's your point?
I was wondering if the poster even believed things were getting warmer.
Pete Cresswell
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-21 09:45:46 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Well, union members are a separate race of people. My favorite >racists are the Climate Racists. ^_^
Do you believe that global warming is not happening?
I know that climate is ever changing and the average temperature of
Earth alternates between hot and cold in very long cycles with blips in
Post by (PeteCresswell)
Or that it is happening, but is not caused by human activity?
I find it very amusing that there are people so arrogant that they
believe they control Earth and its weather. To Gaia, man is but an
insect that can be absentmindedly swatted which is something that
happens with great regularity. ^_^

2014-02-19 00:18:26 UTC
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
No. It's the members.
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
The "Jones Act" requires all shipping between US ports be done on US
registered ships with crews made up of US citizens.
Gordon Shumway
2014-02-19 03:41:32 UTC
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
No. It's the members.
You just keep on payin' your union dues, mickey. That's all your
union cares about is that you keep paying and paying and paying every
month. Then the union pays to help the democrats get elected so they
can the union can maintain their tax exempt status.

In turn the union may get the liar-in-chief to grant a year waiver for
obamacare for the rank and file or the union may find some other shiny
trinket to get your attention and make you believe you are a valued
member. Then, and this is the best part, they will tell you to vote
for the democrat in the next election and you will!

What you need to do is think for yourself. Don't let some union tell
you how to vote.
2014-02-19 04:21:31 UTC
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 21:41:32 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by micky
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more "secure" now
that an alien barge can come nowhere near them.
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there only to serve
the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
No. It's the members.
You just keep on payin' your union dues, mickey. That's all your
union cares about is that you keep paying and paying and paying every
month. Then the union pays to help the democrats get elected so they
can the union can maintain their tax exempt status.
In turn the union may get the liar-in-chief to grant a year waiver for
obamacare for the rank and file or the union may find some other shiny
trinket to get your attention and make you believe you are a valued
member. Then, and this is the best part, they will tell you to vote
for the democrat in the next election and you will!
What you need to do is think for yourself. Don't let some union tell
you how to vote.
When did a democratic start thinking for themselves? I'm confused :)
Dean Hoffman
2014-02-19 12:36:50 UTC
Post by Oren
When did a democratic start thinking for themselves? I'm confused :)
You've never seen a fish ride a bicycle?
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-21 09:49:32 UTC
Post by Gordon Shumway
Post by Oren
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 16:27:56 -0600, Gordon Shumway
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 17:08:08 -0500, micky
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 14:26:22 +0000 (UTC), Bert
Post by Bert
Post by Jeh Johnson
I'm sure that people living in New Jersey are much more
"secure" now that an alien barge can come nowhere near
This nonsense has nothing to do with security.
The restriction has been in place since 1920, and is there
only to serve the interests of the labor unions.
And more importantly, their members.
No, Bert had it right -- the labor unions, period.
No. It's the members.
You just keep on payin' your union dues, mickey. That's all your
union cares about is that you keep paying and paying and paying
every month. Then the union pays to help the democrats get elected
so they can the union can maintain their tax exempt status.
In turn the union may get the liar-in-chief to grant a year waiver
for obamacare for the rank and file or the union may find some other
shiny trinket to get your attention and make you believe you are a
valued member. Then, and this is the best part, they will tell you
to vote for the democrat in the next election and you will!
What you need to do is think for yourself. Don't let some union
tell you how to vote.
Union members don't grok "The Law of Unintended Results" and definitely
never heed, "Be careful what you wish for." ^_^

Home Guy
2014-02-19 01:56:30 UTC
“This is about protecting the citizens of the United States of
America and our own government is preventing us from doing
what’s right,” Simpson said.

the New Jersey Department of Transportation filed a request
with the DHS on Feb. 13 to waive the Merchant Marine Act of
1920 under the national security exception and allow a
foreign-flagged vessel to deliver the salt.

Um, so, ya.

This is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

So before the Dept. of Fatherland Security was created, who or what was
responsible for enforcing the Merchant Marine Act of 1920?

Since when is a barge flagged anyways? Doesn't a barge need to be
pushed around with a tug or some other vessel with a crew?


JERSEY CITY, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) – New Jersey was expected to receive a
critical supply of rock salt that was held up by the Department of
Homeland Security because it was being carried on a foreign ship.

On Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Cory Booker told WCBS 880?s Steve Scott that
he and Sen. Robert Menendez were able to work with federal authorities
to release the much-needed rock salt to the Garden State.

“Right now, with the critical crisis we have with storm after storm
after storm hitting our state, with cities and our state depleting their
supplies of rock salt, this is an urgent matter,” Booker said. “The
state’s going to be able to get the salt that it needs.”
play pause

State officials say a shipment of 40,000 tons of salt had been halted in
Maine because a foreign-flagged vessel was carrying the salt. According
to the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, ships carrying cargo between U.S.
ports must be carried on U.S.- flagged ships.

Booker said officials were able to find a smaller U.S.-flagged ship, so
while it won’t be able to bring the full load at once, a shipment of
road salt will likely arrive ahead of the next winter storm.

“I don’t have an exact time, and I don’t want to put one on because …
this is an evolving story,” he said. “But I know Sen. Menendez and I
will keep the pressure and heat on to make sure this is done as quickly
as possible. I’m feeling good about the progress we’re making and feel
hopeful about the weather ahead, but we want to be prepared for the
play pause

The senators noted in a letter to DHS that parts of New Jersey have been
hit with more than 70 inches of snow so far this winter.

“The roads are very clogged with ice and snow. Even worse [are] the
pathways, and not to have the salt creates an insecure environment for
all of us,” Elizabeth resident Peter Nelson told CBS 2?s Christine

In addition, the New Jersey Department of Transportation filed a request
with the DHS on Feb. 13 to waive the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 under
the national security exception and allow a foreign-flagged vessel to
deliver the salt.

“I am convinced that a waiver a couple of days ago would’ve had the salt
here already, so the faster we get a waiver, the faster we get the
salt,” New Jersey Assemblyman Jon Bramnick said. “I’m deeply troubled
that there hasn’t been a waiver.”

Booker said he’s been hearing from communities all across the state,
reporting they were dangerously low or completely out of road salt.

“Sometimes, it takes partnerships across a level of government as well
as across state boundaries to get something like this done,” the junior
senator said. “So I’m just grateful that it looks like we’re having some
breakthrough. It is a major public safety issue, and so I’m just happy
to see that this is going to have a good ending.”

New Jersey DOT Commissioner James Simpson said the salt shortage could
force him to close major roadways during storms if a long-term solution
isn’t banged out.

Simpson said the U.S. Department of Transportation told him it has found
two barges that could carry a total of 15,000 tons to New Jersey in
about three weeks.

“This is about protecting the citizens of the United States of America
and our own government is preventing us from doing what’s right,”
Simpson said.

DOT Spokesman Joe Dee said the state has used more than 370,000 tons of
salt as of Feb. 11, before last Thursday’s storm. That compares to
258,000 tons of salt used all of last winter.

A smaller U.S. vessel is scheduled to bring one-quarter of New Jersey’s
total order to the Garden State by this weekend. The barge will travel
back and forth from Maine several times, officials said..

“It’s not optimal, but right now it seems to be a way,” Booker told WCBS
880?s Marla Diamond.

In Jersey City, officials have been waiting for about 3,000 tons of salt
to arrive.

In the meantime, crews are working to clear areas in the state’s
second-largest city so that residents can have better access to
supermarkets, banks, pharmacies and other businesses.
play pause

The snow will be hauled to vacant city, county and state properties,
officials said.

“We thank residents for their patience during what has been one of the
harshest winters on record,” Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop said in a
statement. “With everyone’s cooperation, this can be a seamless process
that will help improve the mobility of both pedestrians and motorists as
well as ease parking conditions.”

The Daring Dufas
2014-02-20 20:15:41 UTC
“This is about protecting the citizens of the United States of
America and our own government is preventing us from doing what’s
right,” Simpson said.
Homo Gay, why do you give an airborne coitus about what happens in The
United States? You're siting pretty up there at The North Pole with a
population that's less than that of The State of California. You often
write that you're somehow superior to the people of The United States
and how awful they are so why do you have any interaction with them? o_O

2014-02-19 06:54:57 UTC
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 08:43:00 -0500, Jeh Johnson
Post by Jeh Johnson
N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would
arrive from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American
flag and officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security
to come to the Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving
the salt in Maine.
If there was any type of battery onboard, (such as in the engine
compartment, or any flashlights), this would clearly be a case of
SALT AND BATTERY. Which is clearly a violation of the law :)
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-21 09:51:17 UTC
Post by C***@work.com
On Tue, 18 Feb 2014 08:43:00 -0500, Jeh Johnson
Post by Jeh Johnson
N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would
arrive from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American flag
and officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security to come
to the Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving the salt in
If there was any type of battery onboard, (such as in the engine
compartment, or any flashlights), this would clearly be a case of
SALT AND BATTERY. Which is clearly a violation of the law :)
That earned a very loud groan. ^_^


2014-02-20 02:55:21 UTC
Post by Jeh Johnson
N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would
arrive from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American
flag and officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security
to come to the Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving
the salt in Maine.
40 tons on a barge? Why waste the time? Two semi dumps would transport
that amount.
Post by Jeh Johnson
Posted: Feb 17, 2014
The salt shortage persists in New Jersey. Officials have failed to get
permission for a barge with 40 tons of salt to set sail for the tristate
Ugh, I see the problem. Fox & New Jersey!
Post by Jeh Johnson
Jersey City has been using the more expensive liquid brine and sand to
combat the snow on city streets. Residents say snow mounds and places to
dump the snow are also a problem.
Good grief! It only costs approx .05 to make a gallon of brine, with 93%
salinity. Maybe it's time for New Jersey to consult with experts in the
transportation dept, about using brine, and how to make it.
2014-02-20 03:17:36 UTC
Post by Don
40 tons on a barge? Why waste the time? Two semi dumps would transport
that amount.
Don't worry about Home Guy, Don. He always exaggerates about trivial
things. He often suffers from Seasonal Affected Disorder, up yonder in
Quebec, Canada. Take his limited imagination with a grain of salt.
Michael Black
2014-02-20 05:12:44 UTC
Post by Oren
Post by Don
40 tons on a barge? Why waste the time? Two semi dumps would transport
that amount.
Don't worry about Home Guy, Don. He always exaggerates about trivial
things. He often suffers from Seasonal Affected Disorder, up yonder in
Quebec, Canada. Take his limited imagination with a grain of salt.
I thought he was in ONtario.

Home Guy
2014-02-20 13:17:53 UTC
Post by Michael Black
I thought he was in ONtario.
Of course I am, and mOron knows that.
2014-02-21 02:27:50 UTC
Post by Don
Post by Jeh Johnson
N.J. officials were hoping a barge with 40 tons of salt would
arrive from Maine. But the vessel wasn't flying the American
flag and officials couldn't get clearance from Homeland Security
to come to the Port of Newark. The barge sailed empty, leaving
the salt in Maine.
40 tons on a barge? Why waste the time? Two semi dumps would transport
that amount.
Post by Jeh Johnson
Posted: Feb 17, 2014
The salt shortage persists in New Jersey. Officials have failed to get
permission for a barge with 40 tons of salt to set sail for the tristate
Ugh, I see the problem. Fox & New Jersey!
Post by Jeh Johnson
Jersey City has been using the more expensive liquid brine and sand to
combat the snow on city streets. Residents say snow mounds and places to
dump the snow are also a problem.
Good grief! It only costs approx .05 to make a gallon of brine, with 93%
salinity. Maybe it's time for New Jersey to consult with experts in the
transportation dept, about using brine, and how to make it.
What do you make brine out of, if not salt, idiot? You act
like using salt for roads, parking lots, etc is something dumb and
unique to NJ. In fact, the same methods are used in most states
that need to keep roads safe. CT and NY for example are also
reporting salt shortages.
Apparently you are uneducated in the making of brine. For example, you do
not know how much salt it take to make a gallon of brine, where as I do.
You do not know the limitations of brine, where as I do.

My point is brine is _less_ expensive to use, than salt on the roads, vs
what Fox reporting is telling you.

However, I see I struck a nerve by pointing out the misinformation by Fox,
and NJ. You must be associated with either or both.

Now, who is the idiot?

BTW, you thought cutting the xpost would prevent me from reading your
asinine post. I fixed it for you.