Economy so bad in the USA - even bee hives get stolen!
(too old to reply)
Busy Bee
2014-02-14 14:18:32 UTC
Bee hives?


Life is so tough in the US right now that you are thieving bee hives
from each other.

"Beekeepers have always been concerned about theft"

What a country of thieves you are. Even if it's nailed down, and has
just an ounce of value - it gets stolen.

This is what you get when you flush your economy down the toilet. Your
quality of life goes with it.

Honey Price Increases Lead to Jump In Beehive Thefts

DIXON (CBS13) — The price of honey has jumped in the last decade,
leading to a jump in beehive thefts.

That has beekeepers turning to technology to try and stop crooks from
taking the hives.

Keepers like Phil Hofland hoping the latest technology will sting those
thieves trying to make off with the valuable hives.

“You can come in here with a forklift and snag—I’ve seen people steal
30,000 to 50,000 in a half an hour,” he said.

Beekeepers have always been concerned about theft, and have long tried
to develop ways to prevent that from happening.

But the age-old problem has a new remedy. Hofland now uses tiny GPS
chips to track if one of his hives is stolen.

“If it gets moved, I get an email or a text on my phone immediately,”
the Dixon beekeeper said.

Along with the chips, Hofland also brands his boxes in hopes of scaring
away those who may look to swipe the hives.

“I look at it as if my boxes are marked really good and somebody else’s
aren’t,” he said. “Somebody has a choice between picking mine and
somebody else’s, they are going to do that.”

Home Guy
2014-02-15 00:34:34 UTC
"Your poor people own cars?"
Yes - sad isin't it?

Sad that the "american dream" of home ownership is slipping away from
more and more of you.


Living in Your Car: No Longer Just for Bums
March 02, 2012

By most standards, Jessica Spaulding has a successful life and career.
The 31-year-old Californian splits her time between Long Beach, where
she runs fundraising drives for public radio station KJazz 88.1, and San
Diego, where she’s pursuing her master’s degree in accounting at
National University. Because of her busy schedule, she decided to give
up her posh apartment in Santa Monica. “I work 50 to 60 hours a week and
felt like I never saw it,” she says. These days, her housing is a little
more humble. For the past five years, she’s lived in a 2007 Prius.

She realizes that public perception is that anybody living in a car must
be doing so against their will, but she hopes that as upwardly mobile
people such as herself increasingly go public, living in a vehicle will
finally be seen “as a viable option.”

Being homeless and a working professional are no longer mutually
exclusive. A recent census by the Coalition for the Homeless reveals
that among the current national homeless population, approximately 44
percent have jobs. Although the U.S. Census Bureau doesn’t keep records
of the so-called vehicular homeless, there are informal estimates that
up to 59.2% of homeless are living in cars or vans, the biggest
percentage since the Great Depression’s “Ford families.”


American Dream Slipping as Homeownership at 18-Year Low


The U.S. homeownership rate, which soared to a record high 69.2 percent
in 2004, is back where it was two decades ago, before the housing bubble
inflated, busted and ripped more than 7 million Americans from their


Americans living in cars - better than living in a cardboard box under a
freeway overpass.

Until someone steals it and sells it to a scrap yard.
Dean Hoffman
2014-02-15 01:55:16 UTC
Post by Busy Bee
Bee hives?
Life is so tough in the US right now that you are thieving bee hives
from each other.
"Beekeepers have always been concerned about theft"
What a country of thieves you are. Even if it's nailed down, and has
just an ounce of value - it gets stolen.
This is what you get when you flush your economy down the toilet. Your
quality of life goes with it.
Cut rest.

Stealing and such shows more about human nature than about a
country's economy. One has to earn about $34,000/year to be in the top
1% richest in the world. (#24)
Median household income is approaching $50,000 in the U.S.
Reference: http://tinyurl.com/ljkl7h3
Carpe Diem site. 50 reasons we're living through the greatest
period in world history.
Home Guy
2014-02-15 03:21:32 UTC
Post by Dean Hoffman
Post by Busy Bee
This is what you get when you flush your economy down the toilet.
Your quality of life goes with it.
Stealing and such shows more about human nature than about a
country's economy. One has to earn about $34,000/year to be
in the top 1% richest in the world.
Median household income is approaching $50,000 in the U.S.
You have to compare your income against hundreds of millions of Indian
and Chinese peasants?

What exactly does that prove?

The reality which you choose to ignore is that by many measures, you are

Your wages, disposable income, personal net-worth, rate of home
ownership, personal debt, even life expectancy are worse now than even a
decade ago.

That you console yourselves by comparing your economic metrics with the
entire world (which includes the perpetually-destitute peoples of
africa, india and china) speaks volumes.
Dean Hoffman
2014-02-15 21:57:15 UTC
Post by Home Guy
Post by Dean Hoffman
Post by Busy Bee
This is what you get when you flush your economy down the toilet.
Your quality of life goes with it.
Stealing and such shows more about human nature than about a
country's economy. One has to earn about $34,000/year to be
in the top 1% richest in the world.
Median household income is approaching $50,000 in the U.S.
You have to compare your income against hundreds of millions of Indian
and Chinese peasants?
What exactly does that prove?
The reality which you choose to ignore is that by many measures, you are
Cut rest due to AIOE quotation limits.

True enough about our economy going downhill. We have the lowest
percentage or eligible people working since the 1970s if I recall
The point I was making is that the vast majority of us in the U.S.
are still very well off. People aren't stealing to eat. It goes back
to the common human conditions of greed, envy, laziness etc.
2014-02-16 15:13:50 UTC
Post by Dean Hoffman
True enough about our economy going downhill. We have the lowest
percentage or eligible people working since the 1970s if I recall
In the 1070s unemployment benefits were tax-free and unlimited.
Home Guy
2014-02-16 17:09:21 UTC
Post by M.L.
Post by Dean Hoffman
True enough about our economy going downhill. We have the lowest
percentage or eligible people working since the 1970s if I recall
In the 1070s unemployment benefits were tax-free and unlimited.
That might have been true in the 1070's, maybe even the 1970's.

But the labor "participation rate", which we are talking about, is the
fraction of all people who are eligible for work that are either (a)
working or (b) looking for work. Looking for work includes all people
collecting unemployment benefits. So the participation rate is not
skewed by how lucrative or easy unemployment benefits are or have been
in the past.

If you are not working, nor collecting employment benefits, but you are
part of the demographic that is eligible to be working (something like
being able-bodied and between the ages of 16 to 65) then you are deemed
to not be participating in the labor force.

Now I don't know how they look at full-time students, or people
collecting social-security disability (which is at record-high levels
and growing month-to-month). Are those people also considered as
eligible for participating in the labor force - but just like the people
collecting unemployment insurance they (students and disabled) either
want to work or are planning on working as soon as their temporary
status has ended.
Stormin Mormon
2014-02-16 19:39:54 UTC
Post by M.L.
Post by Dean Hoffman
True enough about our economy going downhill. We have the lowest
percentage or eligible people working since the 1970s if I recall
In the 1070s unemployment benefits were tax-free and unlimited.
Well, d'uh, in the 1070s, the north America was
native, and there was no central government.
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
2014-02-16 20:42:45 UTC
On Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:39:54 -0500, Stormin Mormon
Post by Stormin Mormon
Post by M.L.
In the 1070s unemployment benefits were tax-free and unlimited.
Well, d'uh, in the 1070s, the north America was
native, and there was no central government.
Doh. The USA has more than one nation in forms of government.

Think Navajo, Cherokee, Seminole, etc. They all have their own laws
on native lands. Even have police, jails and such.
