20 people stabbed by 16-yr-old "student" Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville PA
(too old to reply)
Bobby Flay
2014-04-09 16:49:54 UTC
I was just skyping with my friend Satan, and he was watching CNN's
coverage of this, saying "good ... Good..." and then going on about how
his plan to have americans destroy each other was coming together

Here - watch for yourself:



Now I know there will be morons here who will say "oh, we need to ban
knives" or "this is why we need a knife registry".

That's not the point.

Your degenerating american society is full of people like this, and you
still want them to have quick and easy access to firearms.

20 people stabbed - don't know how many are dead or will die.

Now just imagine if he had a handgun, or rifle with lots of bullets.

No- wait. You don't have to imagine.

Here's your all-american boy. Here is your future america:

Loading Image...

Congratulations to you americans. You've raised a generation of
worthless, iPhone-sucking children.


MURRYSVILLE (KDKA) – At least 20-people have been injured in a stabbing
at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville.

Murrysville police Chief Thomas Seefeld says 19-of the victims are
students, one of them is a school security guard.

A school security guard called in the stabbing at 7:13 a.m.

Seefeld wouldn’t detail the carnage beyond saying, “The juvenile went
down the hallway and was flashing two knives around and injured the

Police say the 16-year-old male student suspect is in custody and is a
sophomore at the high school.

He was transported from the Murrysville Police Department by police car,
and reportedly taken to a local hospital for superficial wounds, and
then returned.

Investigators haven’t determined a motive, but Seefeld said they’re
looking into reports of a threatening phone call between the suspect and
another student the night before. Seefeld didn’t specify whether the
suspect reportedly received or made the call.

Jeff Dahlke with the security company who provides security for Franklin
Regional High School says the suspect was armed with two knives.

“The alarm went off, and students started rushing outside, the security
guard outside rushed in, and came upon his supervisor, and a vice
principal who had the suspect in custody on the ground and was trying to
control him, and try to get the weapons away from him,” Dahlke said.

Police say that security guard was stabbed in the abdomen.

Two student victims were in critical condition, according to Dr. Mark
Rubino of Forbes Regional Medical Center.
2014-04-09 20:22:15 UTC
On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 12:49:54 -0400, Bobby Flay <***@you.ouch>

Home Guy I have a question for you.

If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
2014-04-09 20:45:07 UTC
Post by Oren
Home Guy I have a question for you.
If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
Glad you asked.

There is always a need to incarcerate (to jail) people. Even in Canada.

But here in Canada we have a society that IS operating so gawd damn much
better than yours is.

Because for every 100,000 people, we jail about 114 of them. That ranks
Canada in 133'rd place on the global list.

Guess where the good 'ol US of A is on that list?

Did you guess #1?

Because if you did, then you'd be correct.

You have an incarceration rate of 716 per 100,000 people. So Canada
*IS* about 6 times BETTER than the US in that regard.


Any more questions?
2014-04-09 22:04:42 UTC
On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:45:07 -0400, "H.o.m.e.G.u.Y"
Post by H.o.m.e.G.u.Y
Post by Oren
Home Guy I have a question for you.
If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
Glad you asked.
There is always a need to incarcerate (to jail) people. Even in Canada.
But here in Canada we have a society that IS operating so gawd damn much
better than yours is.
Because for every 100,000 people, we jail about 114 of them. That ranks
Canada in 133'rd place on the global list.
Guess where the good 'ol US of A is on that list?
Did you guess #1?
Because if you did, then you'd be correct.
You have an incarceration rate of 716 per 100,000 people. So Canada
*IS* about 6 times BETTER than the US in that regard.
Any more questions?
So the USA has 317 Million people, canada has 35 Million - less than
the state of California at 38 Million. What makes you dream canada is
so perfect?

We never hear your cry-baby stuff about other countries. You have a
fixation about America that you cannot get over.

We could fix our crime rate with the stroke of a pen, period. Repeal
all the criminal laws on the books.

Hell, you cannot even use one nym when posting!
Stormin Mormon
2014-04-09 22:53:02 UTC
Post by H.o.m.e.G.u.Y
You have an incarceration rate of 716 per 100,000 people. So Canada
*IS* about 6 times BETTER than the US in that regard.
Any more questions?
You mean you have six times more criminals running around, loose?
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
Ashton Crusher
2014-04-12 00:57:53 UTC
On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:45:07 -0400, "H.o.m.e.G.u.Y"
Post by H.o.m.e.G.u.Y
Post by Oren
Home Guy I have a question for you.
If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
Glad you asked.
There is always a need to incarcerate (to jail) people. Even in Canada.
But here in Canada we have a society that IS operating so gawd damn much
better than yours is.
Because for every 100,000 people, we jail about 114 of them. That ranks
Canada in 133'rd place on the global list.
Guess where the good 'ol US of A is on that list?
Did you guess #1?
Because if you did, then you'd be correct.
You have an incarceration rate of 716 per 100,000 people. So Canada
*IS* about 6 times BETTER than the US in that regard.
Any more questions?
2014-04-12 01:26:57 UTC
On Wed, 09 Apr 2014 16:45:07 -0400, "H.o.m.e.G.u.Y"
Post by H.o.m.e.G.u.Y
Post by Oren
Home Guy I have a question for you.
If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
Glad you asked.
There is always a need to incarcerate (to jail) people. Even in Canada.
But here in Canada we have a society that IS operating so gawd damn much
better than yours is.
Because for every 100,000 people, we jail about 114 of them. That ranks
Canada in 133'rd place on the global list.
Guess where the good 'ol US of A is on that list?
Did you guess #1?
Because if you did, then you'd be correct.
You have an incarceration rate of 716 per 100,000 people. So Canada
*IS* about 6 times BETTER than the US in that regard.
Any more questions?
It also helps to have good neighbors. Neighbors that don't consider
your seeing your flag as an insult.

Stormin Mormon
2014-04-09 22:51:35 UTC
Post by Oren
Home Guy I have a question for you.
If canada is so gawd damn much better than America, why do you have
To lock up visiting Americans?
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
2014-04-10 01:09:43 UTC
Post by Bobby Flay
Your degenerating american society is full of people like this,
300 million people.

Let's say that .000001 percent of them are stone crazy in a really mean

.00001 * 300,000000 = 3,000 people for the news media to feed on instead
of pursuing real news.

Adjust the percentage to taste...
Pete Cresswell
2014-04-10 09:38:47 UTC
Post by (PeteCresswell)
.000001 percent
Oops!.... shb .0001 percent.
Pete Cresswell
2014-04-10 19:52:44 UTC
"Bobby Flay" <***@you.ouch> wrote in message news:***@you.ouch...
I was just skyping with my friend Satan, and he was watching CNN's
coverage of this, saying "good ... Good..." and then going on about how
his plan to have americans destroy each other was coming together

Here - watch for yourself:



Now I know there will be morons here who will say "oh, we need to ban
knives" or "this is why we need a knife registry".

That's not the point.

Your degenerating american society is full of people like this, and you
still want them to have quick and easy access to firearms.

20 people stabbed - don't know how many are dead or will die.

Now just imagine if he had a handgun, or rifle with lots of bullets.

No- wait. You don't have to imagine.

Here's your all-american boy. Here is your future america:


Congratulations to you americans. You've raised a generation of
worthless, iPhone-sucking children.


MURRYSVILLE (KDKA) - At least 20-people have been injured in a stabbing
at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville.

Murrysville police Chief Thomas Seefeld says 19-of the victims are
students, one of them is a school security guard.

A school security guard called in the stabbing at 7:13 a.m.

Seefeld wouldn't detail the carnage beyond saying, "The juvenile went
down the hallway and was flashing two knives around and injured the

Police say the 16-year-old male student suspect is in custody and is a
sophomore at the high school.

He was transported from the Murrysville Police Department by police car,
and reportedly taken to a local hospital for superficial wounds, and
then returned.

Investigators haven't determined a motive, but Seefeld said they're
looking into reports of a threatening phone call between the suspect and
another student the night before. Seefeld didn't specify whether the
suspect reportedly received or made the call.

Jeff Dahlke with the security company who provides security for Franklin
Regional High School says the suspect was armed with two knives.

"The alarm went off, and students started rushing outside, the security
guard outside rushed in, and came upon his supervisor, and a vice
principal who had the suspect in custody on the ground and was trying to
control him, and try to get the weapons away from him," Dahlke said.

Police say that security guard was stabbed in the abdomen.

Two student victims were in critical condition, according to Dr. Mark
Rubino of Forbes Regional Medical Center.
LIE! Schools are a weapon free Zone. Story must be made up as no weapons
are allowed at school.