Stick A Fork In Yet Another american "Housing Recovery"
(too old to reply)
2014-06-17 14:56:11 UTC
Stick A Fork In Yet Another "Housing Recovery":

Housing Starts Tumble,
Multi-Family Permits Collapse Most Since Lehman


Blame it on the... spring?

Moments ago, in addition to reporting CPI numbers which showed that the
Fed has already met and surpassed its 2.0% inflation target (credible or
not), the Dept of HUD released Housing starts and Permits data for the
month of May. It was, in a word, disappointing. It was so disappointing
in fact, that both housing starts and permits not only missed
expectations, but tumbled from the previous month by the most since
January and the great "Polar Vortex" which was the kitchen sink used to
explain the collapse in US GDP in Q1. Perhaps it was the early arrival
of El Nino?

In deatil: May Housing starts, expected to print at 1030K, tumbled from
a revised April print of 1071K to just 1001K.

This was driven by an almost equal decline in both single and
multi-family units, which means that it is not only Wall Street
investors pulling out of the rental housing (aka multifam) market, but
builders continuing to be skeptical about the single-family housing

To say that this roundly refutes the soaring NAHB index is an
understatement, because while on one hand builders say they have not
been more confident since Lehman, their actions show something vastly

With permits, the situation was even worse: the headline number was
supposed to print at 1050K, a modest decline from the pre-revised 1080K.
Instead, not only was April revised lower to 1059K, but the actual
headline number tumbled by 68K to 991K. This was the first triple digit
permit number since January, and the biggest drop also since the winter
when it was all the polar Vortex' fault.

What caused this collapse? Simple. The housing bubble, at least as
observed by Wall Street, is well and firmly over, because while housing
permits for single family units posted a modest increase from 597K to
619K, the monthly collapse in multi-family permits, which crashed from
436K to 346K, or a drop of 89K was the single largest monthly drop
since, drumroll, Lehman.

Don't cry for the Blackstones of the world though: after giving an
artificial impression for the past two years that housing was recovering
(all thanks to the Fed's cheap money and Rent-To-REO program), Wall
Street's landlords, having taken over the US, are now moving on to
greener pastures, like Spain.

As for the US housing market, stick a fork in it.

Moe DeLoughan
2014-06-17 18:22:28 UTC
Post by HomeGuy
Housing Starts Tumble,
Multi-Family Permits Collapse Most Since Lehman
In deatil: May Housing starts, expected to print at 1030K, tumbled from
a revised April print of 1071K to just 1001K.
It is also 9.4 percent above the May 2013 rate of 915,000.
Hardly a "collapse".

What else...oh, yeah. Privately-owned housing completions in May were
6.8 percent above the revised April estimate and 24.8 percent above
the May 2013 rate.


Zerohedge.com are professional doomsayers. They never saw an economic
indicator they liked.
