For the fool praising Fedora (and other versions of unix/linux) (was: Malware more likely in Windows...)
(too old to reply)
2014-05-12 13:51:52 UTC
Friends don't let friends use Windows!
The truth about Fedora (and the increasingly uncountable versions of
unix / linux out there these days) is that they are for geeks, not the
average computer user.

There is no version of those OS's that are shrink-wrapped and
one-button-installable by the average home or soho desktop or laptop
user that is in any way a coherent and ergonomic replacement for
windoze. And not just the OS, but all the personal and business apps
that go along with it.

For better or worse, it's about time you fools realized that.
2014-05-12 21:04:56 UTC
Post by HomeGuy
Friends don't let friends use Windows!
The truth about Fedora (and the increasingly uncountable versions of
unix / linux out there these days) is that they are for geeks, not the
average computer user.
There is no version of those OS's that are shrink-wrapped and
one-button-installable by the average home or soho desktop or laptop
user that is in any way a coherent and ergonomic replacement for
windoze. And not just the OS, but all the personal and business apps
that go along with it.
For better or worse, it's about time you fools realized that.
Hi Guy,


And, it is getting easier every day.

By the way, I am a business and I am a Fedora shop.
There are lots of Business apps, just not from

Linux's only downfall is its lack of off the
shelf apps. But, you can almost always find
a work around, like I have.

But, you do have a point. Trying to get Windows
users off of Windows is like trying to get
an addict off of crack cocaine.

And when you life depends on it:

the riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped
in a couple slices of baloney
2014-05-12 21:46:40 UTC
Post by Todd
Post by HomeGuy
There is no version of those OS's that are shrink-wrapped and
one-button-installable by the average home or soho desktop or
laptop user that is in any way a coherent and ergonomic
replacement for windoze. And not just the OS, but all the
personal and business apps that go along with it.
For better or worse, it's about time you fools realized that.
Hi Guy,
(irrelavent link to *nix something or other)
And, it is getting easier every day.
After 20 years you've finally figured out that *real* people want to do
more with a PC then enter arcane syntax into a command-line shell?
Post by Todd
By the way, I am a business and I am a Fedora shop. There are
lots of Business apps, just not from Microsoft.
We were just fine running Office 2k Premium installed from MSDN CD's (in
violation of the EULA) across all our PC's at $dayjob 10+ years ago.
About half our PC's still run Office 2k, the other half run office 2007
(courtesy of Technet, again in violation of the M$ Eula). We don't run
Office 2010 (even though we have it, again courtesy of Technet) because
it's not compatible with Exchange server running on a Win-2k server.
Our website and SMTP server is handled by a pair of boxes running NT4
(Gigabyte BX440 chipset, circa 1998 or 1999). Talk about rock-solid
24/7 performance. No AV software running on any of our servers or
win-98 systems as of about 4 years ago (no point, never detected
anything). Some users and developers run their own AV on their XP and
Win-7 boxes.

We're running a version of AccPac from 2001 (it was expensive then, and
we're still squeezing value out of it 13 years later). Contact
management courtesy of Janna Contact 1999. For graphic design and
faceplate layout I use CorelDraw 9 on my win-98 system. I forget what
software we use to design and program our Altera FPGA's - we bought a
license probably 10 years ago and downloaded a more recent version (with
hack or keygen) about 5 years ago. A few machines run Parts 'n Vendors
(P&V), and that's about the size of it.

Oh yea - we had an SGI Indigo back around 95-96. Graphics was kick-ass
for the time. But then in 97 or 98 we got a dual-core pentium
motherboard with a graphics card that beat the pants off the Indigo.
Post by Todd
Linux's only downfall is its lack of off the shelf apps.
Na - it's more than that. It's not really an OS for users. For servers
running apache - yea sure.
Post by Todd
But, you do have a point. Trying to get Windows users off of
Windows is like trying to get an addict off of crack cocaine.
Again, most people don't know what's going on under the hood - and if
you want any real productivity out of them you don't want them to know.
2014-05-12 22:34:48 UTC
Post by HomeGuy
Post by Todd
Post by HomeGuy
There is no version of those OS's that are shrink-wrapped and
one-button-installable by the average home or soho desktop or
laptop user that is in any way a coherent and ergonomic
replacement for windoze. And not just the OS, but all the
personal and business apps that go along with it.
For better or worse, it's about time you fools realized that.
Hi Guy,
(irrelavent link to *nix something or other)
And, it is getting easier every day.
After 20 years you've finally figured out that *real* people want to do
more with a PC then enter arcane syntax into a command-line shell?
Post by Todd
By the way, I am a business and I am a Fedora shop. There are
lots of Business apps, just not from Microsoft.
We were just fine running Office 2k Premium installed from MSDN CD's (in
violation of the EULA) across all our PC's at $dayjob 10+ years ago.
About half our PC's still run Office 2k, the other half run office 2007
(courtesy of Technet, again in violation of the M$ Eula). We don't run
Office 2010 (even though we have it, again courtesy of Technet) because
it's not compatible with Exchange server running on a Win-2k server.
Our website and SMTP server is handled by a pair of boxes running NT4
(Gigabyte BX440 chipset, circa 1998 or 1999). Talk about rock-solid
24/7 performance. No AV software running on any of our servers or
win-98 systems as of about 4 years ago (no point, never detected
anything). Some users and developers run their own AV on their XP and
Win-7 boxes.
We're running a version of AccPac from 2001 (it was expensive then, and
we're still squeezing value out of it 13 years later). Contact
management courtesy of Janna Contact 1999. For graphic design and
faceplate layout I use CorelDraw 9 on my win-98 system. I forget what
software we use to design and program our Altera FPGA's - we bought a
license probably 10 years ago and downloaded a more recent version (with
hack or keygen) about 5 years ago. A few machines run Parts 'n Vendors
(P&V), and that's about the size of it.
Oh yea - we had an SGI Indigo back around 95-96. Graphics was kick-ass
for the time. But then in 97 or 98 we got a dual-core pentium
motherboard with a graphics card that beat the pants off the Indigo.
Post by Todd
Linux's only downfall is its lack of off the shelf apps.
Na - it's more than that. It's not really an OS for users. For servers
running apache - yea sure.
You haven't looked recently. Linux has some of the sweetest
desktops -- you have a choice of about 12.

Have you looked at Frankenstein (Windows 8) lately? What an
unprofessional piece of ... And, no choice for alternate
desktops either.
Post by HomeGuy
Post by Todd
But, you do have a point. Trying to get Windows users off of
Windows is like trying to get an addict off of crack cocaine.
Again, most people don't know what's going on under the hood - and if
you want any real productivity out of them you don't want them to know.
Hi Guy,

Maybe you would consider having someone set it up for you?

The business model for Open Source is "value add". You get the
software for free, but you pay others to install/configure/customize
it for you.

But, as I tell my customers, the computer is there to work
for you, not the other way around. So, if you got something
that is working for you, stick with it.

the riddle wrapped in an enigma wrapped
in a couple slices of baloney
The Real Bev
2014-05-14 15:50:07 UTC
Post by HomeGuy
Again, most people don't know what's going on under the hood - and if
you want any real productivity out of them you don't want them to know.
A net-friend refers to such things as slob-enablement.
Cheers, Bev
The volume of a pizza of thickness 'a' and radius 'z'
is given by pi*z*z*a
2014-05-12 22:12:30 UTC
Post by Todd
Post by HomeGuy
Friends don't let friends use Windows!
The truth about Fedora (and the increasingly uncountable versions of
unix / linux out there these days) is that they are for geeks, not the
average computer user.
There is no version of those OS's that are shrink-wrapped and
one-button-installable by the average home or soho desktop or laptop
user that is in any way a coherent and ergonomic replacement for
windoze. And not just the OS, but all the personal and business apps
that go along with it.
For better or worse, it's about time you fools realized that.
Hi Guy,
And, it is getting easier every day.
By the way, I am a business and I am a Fedora shop.
There are lots of Business apps, just not from
Linux's only downfall is its lack of off the
shelf apps. But, you can almost always find
a work around, like I have.
But, you do have a point. Trying to get Windows
users off of Windows is like trying to get
an addict off of crack cocaine.

This poster stills runs Win95 and Netscape Navigator.

Here calling people fools. The damn Canuck Millionaire, he claimes to
be rich. He could hire a tech to set him up.

I'll give Linux another try one day :)
2014-05-12 22:22:11 UTC
Post by Oren
This poster stills runs Win95 and Netscape Navigator.
I haven't run win-95 since about July 2000.

But yea - I use Netscape Navigator for usenet. Something that
apparently mOron doesn't realize is that Usenet is about 15 years older
than the usenet client I use.
Post by Oren
Here calling people fools. The damn Canuck Millionaire, he claimes
to be rich. He could hire a tech to set him up.
What a maroon you are - a proven fool.

Go look up how old usenet is, and then tell us why a "modern" usenet
client is any better than an old one.
Post by Oren
I'll give Linux another try one day :)
We can't wait.
2014-05-13 00:51:36 UTC
Post by HomeGuy
Friends don't let friends use Windows!
The truth about Fedora (and the increasingly uncountable versions of
unix / linux out there these days) is that they are for geeks, not the
average computer user.
You sure are wrong alot!