Canada charts comfortable course to 2015 budget surplus
(too old to reply)
Rich Little
2014-02-13 02:30:03 UTC
Look upon our fiscally-sound nation - and despair at the reality of


Feb 11, 2014

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's Conservative government looks set to
comfortably balance its books in 2015 or even sooner, its latest budget
showed on Tuesday, with cuts in spending on the public service more than
offsetting a series of modest new expenditures.

The low-key spending plan leaves Prime Minister Stephen Harper
well-positioned to offer tax breaks and other initiatives in the runup
to an election scheduled for October next year.

"Some people will say this budget is boring," Finance Minister Jim
Flaherty told reporters ahead of the budget speech. "Boring is good."

The budget shows a deficit of C$2.9 billion ($2.63 billion) in the
2014-15 fiscal year, up from the previous estimate of C$5.5 billion.
That balance includes a C$3 billion contingency fund, which in fact
reveals an underlying surplus that year.

Flaherty acknowledged the budget would be narrowly balanced this coming
year without the contingency fund, but said he preferred to have a "nice
clean surplus next year".

The government estimates a bigger-than-expected C$6.4 billion surplus in
2015-16. In the year ending March 31 of this year, the deficit is pegged
at C$16.6 billion.

The Conservatives, in power since 2006, plunged into a deep deficit in
2008 as they pumped out stimulus money to deal with the recession after
having cut taxes earlier. Previously, the Canadian government had an
11-year string of budget surpluses.

The government's reluctance to go for a balanced budget in 2014 was seen
as preparing for an election-friendly budget the following year.

"This is a budget designed to build a bigger war chest for the next
budget," said Avery Shenfeld, chief economist at the Canadian Imperial
Bank of Commerce.

He added that the government should be in a position to "have more money
to give away" in 2015.

Germany is currently the only G7 country running a surplus, but Canada's
ratio of debt to GDP is substantially less and it is one of a handful of
countries with a triple-A rating from rating agencies.

Flaherty's budget assumes economic growth of 2.3 percent this year and
2.5 percent in 2015. It also assumes the Canadian dollar will be worth
about 94 U.S. cents this year. The Canadian dollar is already weaker, at
about 90 U.S. cents, and is projected to depreciate further in the
coming year.

That implies growth could beat the government's estimates and ultimately
improve the budget balance further.

When asked to comment on the currency's impact on the economy, Flaherty
acknowledged that it was "good for exporters", adding: "I would expect
there's a value to the dollar inherently, around which it will settle
and we'll see what that is."


With the U.S. economy looking healthier and likely to boost Canada's
fortunes, the budget contained few measures to provide extra stimulus.
It outlined plans to help push down consumer prices on wireless roaming,
retail goods and banking services, part of a broader pro-consumer agenda
aimed at winning middle-class voters (yes, - unlike the US, Canada has a
healthy middle-class) also being wooed by the opposition.

It ensured an additional C$250 million a year in financial aid for the
automotive sector. The government has been under pressure from Fiat
Chrysler, which has asked for funding for a minivan plant, and which has
said it might have to slash jobs in Canada if it doesn't get help.

The budget also provides C$28 million over two years to the National
Energy Board to help it review projects such as TransCanada Corp's
Energy East pipeline project, within legislated timelines.

But the fiscal cost of these initiatives is minimal compared with the
cost-cutting steps announced.
2014-02-13 03:24:20 UTC
On Wed, 12 Feb 2014 21:30:03 -0500, Rich Little
Post by Rich Little
Look upon our fiscally-sound nation - and despair at the reality of
_Crack-pipe vending machines a boon to Vancouver users_

Cost 25 cents for a pipe.


Mayor Rob Ford heads West....Justin Beiber a close second.
2014-02-13 17:08:31 UTC
Post by Rich Little
The low-key spending plan leaves Prime Minister Stephen Harper
well-positioned to offer tax breaks and other initiatives in the runup
to an election scheduled for October next year.
Offering bribes to favored parts of the electorate? That's the same
route to destruction that the US is on.
***@iphouse.com St. Paul, MN
Tony Hwang
2014-02-13 17:36:51 UTC
Post by Bert
Post by Rich Little
The low-key spending plan leaves Prime Minister Stephen Harper
well-positioned to offer tax breaks and other initiatives in the runup
to an election scheduled for October next year.
Offering bribes to favored parts of the electorate? That's the same
route to destruction that the US is on.
We could balance the budget this year, guess what, there is federal
election next year. Nothing but all politics.
Home Guy
2014-02-14 03:22:03 UTC
This is Home Guy, nym-shifting again - the same person with penis
envy of Americans.
Does it give you the giggles every time you type the word "penis" ? You
seem somewhat fixated on it every time you post a reply to my posts.
Maybe he could address crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver?
Right after you address why your country is full of:

- men that use a machete to decapitate their mom's Chihuahua
- women that go on bloody rampages after being refused sex


A Pittsburgh man is facing animal cruelty charges after he allegedly
used a machete to decapitate his mother's Chihuahua.

Authorities said they were called to the home Wednesday evening, and
Matthew Ondo's parents showed them the remains of the dog, named Izzy,
along with a bloody machete and butcher knife.

According to a criminal complaint, Ondo, 30, at first denied killing the
dog, then claimed the devil, Allah or "the Mexican" did it. Ondo's
parents told police their son is an unemployed drug addict who has
emotional problems.


Naked Woman Goes On Bloody Rampage After Boyfriend Refuses To Have Sex

An Arizona woman went on a naked rampage early Monday after her live-in
boyfriend refused to have sex with her. Ashley Marie Prenovost, 24, was
already intoxicated when her beau returned to the Glendale residence the
couple shares with their four-month-old daughter. Prenovost “wanted to
have sex with him and got naked.”

When her boyfriend declined to have sex, Prenovost became enraged. She
punched two holes in a bedroom wall, and “punched a picture hanging on
the wall in the hallway, causing glass to break and causing injuries to
both of suspect’s hands.”

As Prenovost ran around inside the home, “she bled all over the floor in
the master bedroom, hallway, common area by the front door and kitchen.”
When cops arrived at the residence, a naked Prenovost attempted to flee
through the garage.

Loading Image...

Pictured in the above mug shot, Prenovost was arrested on a variety of
charges, including assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage. She
was also hit with several child abuse counts since, during her tirade,
she raced around the home with her baby in her arms. At one point, the
child’s head struck a bedroom dresser.

Prenovost was freed from custody yesterday. She is scheduled for a
February 24 court appearance.

Is this typical american behavior?

Why, yes, this has happened before, before, before, before, and before.


Maybe if you american men had actual penis's, your women wouldn't be so
desperate for sex.

What's that Oren?

What did you say?

Did you say that it's time for you to take your Cialis?

Ok, you go do that. You and your nation of limp dicks.
2014-02-14 03:43:11 UTC
Post by Home Guy
This is Home Guy, nym-shifting again - the same person with penis
envy of Americans.
Does it give you the giggles every time you type the word "penis" ? You
seem somewhat fixated on it every time you post a reply to my posts.
Truth hurts, eh?
Post by Home Guy
Maybe he could address crack pipe vending machines in Vancouver?
- men that use a machete to decapitate their mom's Chihuahua
- women that go on bloody rampages after being refused sex
Only after you tell this group about headless bodies found in Canada.


_Police investigate amid reports of decapitated body outside Edmonton_

Old news happening for years in your country.

"...RCMP spokeswoman Doris Stapleton would not confirm the exact
location of the body or whether the head had been removed."


Come back when you realize that your turds are tapered on one end,
okay? In fact, tell the Americans if you only touch the clean end of
your turd.
Home Guy
2014-02-14 14:49:34 UTC
Post by Oren
Only after you tell this group about headless bodies found in Canada.
Police investigate amid reports of decapitated body outside Edmonton
Perpetrated by the "White Boy Posse" - a drug gang based in northern
Alberta, but is seen as a "puppet gang" of the Hell's Angels.

We Canadians have you americans to thank for the Hell's Angels. Another
fine export from your country.
Post by Oren
Old news happening for years in your country.
But you have so many more mexicans and latinos in your country - and
they just love to decapitate people when they get the chance. And
sometimes dogs too.
Post by Oren
Come back when you realize that your turds are tapered on one end,
okay? In fact, tell the Americans if you only touch the clean end
of your turd.
Such profound and insightful wisdom you have Oren. Does your mommy know
you post to usenet?
