Anyone under 60 not bankrupt by their health insurance rates?
(too old to reply)
R. Quincy, M. E.
2014-02-02 17:08:56 UTC
How ridiculous.

Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance

And what do we get from that? A life expectancy about 2 or 3 years
higher than the average american, lower rate of infant mortality, almost
no personal bankruptcy due to medical or healthcare issues.

And - no such thing as "co-pays" or deductibles.

Watch the video below. Your average 40 or 50-something with one or two
kids is going to be paying over $1000 in monthly insurance premiums, a
$40 co-pay, and a $4,000 deductible - which would just about wipe out
the average family's savings.

The truth is - you people can't afford to get sick.

Healthcare in the USA - it was a joke before ObamaCare. Now it's just a
sick comedy.


Watch: Employees in Pennsylvania Company Learn of Increased Health Costs
Due to Obamacare

10:43 AM, Jan 30, 2014

A local news station brings viewers inside one Pennsylvania company as
the employees there learn about their new health care plans under

"Look at the numbers," says the reporter of two employees. "Jeff and
Dave used to have a $1,250 deductible. Since Obamacare went into effect,
it's now jumped 60 percent to $2,000. That's nothing compared to Brian,
Kristi, and Judy who have kids. they are going to pay twice that, four
grand." The reporter adds that co-pays are being increased, too.

"I don't know how President Obama thinks he's helping us because we
can't afford this, we can't afford to pay these co-pays, to pay these
deductibles on what we're making," says one of the workers.

Another worker adds, "They call it the affordable health plan. There's
nothing affordable about it. I can't afford it."

The Daring Dufas
2014-02-02 18:00:46 UTC
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family and
her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the Canadian
health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless eaters." If
Abomination Care is allowed to continue in The United States, the same
sort of attitude will develop among the Affirmative Action morons who
are being put in charge of the system. ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-02 19:47:22 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family and
her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the Canadian
health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless eaters."
isn't that in essence what Romney called the 47%?

Post by The Daring Dufas
Abomination Care is allowed to continue in The United States, the same
sort of attitude will develop among the Affirmative Action morons who
are being put in charge of the system. ^_^
Bob F
2014-02-03 04:30:07 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you
can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income
tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial health
insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family and
her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
isn't that in essence what Romney called the 47%?
You mean the guy who signed into law the health plan that Obamacare is copied
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-03 05:23:02 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada,
you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly
income tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial
health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family
and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
isn't that in essence what Romney called the 47%?
I kind of doubt it but I don't care. Malcom, Mitt Romney is a much
better human being than you'll ever be but I'd like you to get up real
close to the screen, move your lips if you must while reading what I've
written and perhaps you can comprehend it. I'm not a Republican,
Republicans disgust me but Democrats are special, they horrify me. I'll
support members of either party when they're right but will excoriate
them when they're wrong. Malcom, I realize that it's something you fail
to grok but It's a characteristic of those of your ilk and perhaps one
day, you'll grow out of it. ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-03 19:45:00 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada,
you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly
income tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial
health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family
and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
isn't that in essence what Romney called the 47%?
I kind of doubt it but I don't care.
wow, way to take a position
Post by The Daring Dufas
Malcom, Mitt Romney is a much
better human being than you'll ever be but I'd like you to get up real
close to the screen, move your lips if you must while reading what I've
written and perhaps you can comprehend it. I'm not a Republican,
Republicans disgust me but Democrats are special, they horrify me. I'll
support members of either party when they're right but will excoriate
them when they're wrong. Malcom,
did you excoriate Mitt for his 47% "statement"?
Post by The Daring Dufas
I realize that it's something you fail
to grok but It's a characteristic of those of your ilk and perhaps one
day, you'll grow out of it. ^_^
I don't care what your political stance is, it doesn't change the facts
Kurt Ullman
2014-02-03 21:37:56 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
I realize that it's something you fail
to grok but It's a characteristic of those of your ilk and perhaps one
day, you'll grow out of it. ^_^
I don't care what your political stance is, it doesn't change the facts
Of course it does, or at least the ones you are willing to say are facts
and definitely the filter through which you view those facts.
³Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive,
but what they conceal is vital.²
‹ Aaron Levenstein
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-04 02:28:34 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada,
you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly
income tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial
health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family
and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
isn't that in essence what Romney called the 47%?
I kind of doubt it but I don't care.
wow, way to take a position
Malcom, Mitt Romney is not The President of my country. Nothing he may
say has any effect on me at all. The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Malcom, Mitt Romney is a much
better human being than you'll ever be but I'd like you to get up real
close to the screen, move your lips if you must while reading what I've
written and perhaps you can comprehend it. I'm not a Republican,
Republicans disgust me but Democrats are special, they horrify me. I'll
support members of either party when they're right but will excoriate
them when they're wrong. Malcom,
did you excoriate Mitt for his 47% "statement"?
Mitt Romney was not a candidate for Prime Minister of Canada you idiot. O_o
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
I realize that it's something you fail
to grok but It's a characteristic of those of your ilk and perhaps one
day, you'll grow out of it. ^_^
I don't care what your political stance is, it doesn't change the facts
The facts of what Malcom? Be specific and try to be sane. o_O

Vic Smith
2014-02-04 03:10:12 UTC
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
And you'll live with it.
All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
2014-02-04 03:32:02 UTC
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 21:10:12 -0600, Vic Smith
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
And you'll live with it.
All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
They never had a choice.
Not having a choice was not their fault, it was their parent's
fault ..... spilt milk etc ...
OK, it won't change a thing.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Terry Coombs
2014-02-04 04:39:44 UTC
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me
because of all the destruction he has done and will do to my
country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
Too bad a lot of those voters were dead , and that many of them voted more
than once . There is no question in my mind that the last 2 elections were
stolen due to voter fraud . And that Barry Soetoro is the biggest fraud ever
perpetrated upon the American public . I'm just waiting to see how he tries
to stay in power . He's already got a good start on corrupting our military
leaders into agreeing to fire on US citizens . Let's just hope the people
that actually have to pull those triggers realize that it's their friends
and neighbors out there on the business end of those arms . It's gonna get
ugly , and the question is not if but when ...
2014-02-04 12:16:10 UTC
Post by Terry Coombs
He's already got a good start on corrupting our military
leaders into agreeing to fire on US citizens
That is what the military do. Shoot first, and maybe 2% are
capable of asking "why" later. They call them "deserters".
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-04 19:18:44 UTC
Post by Terry Coombs
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President of
my country and THAT does concern me because of all the destruction
he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
Too bad a lot of those voters were dead ,
can you provide un-biased proof
Post by Terry Coombs
and that many of them voted more than once .
can you provide un-biased proof
Post by Terry Coombs
There is no question in my mind that the last 2 elections were
stolen due to voter fraud .

there is no question in my mind that the republicans did everything they
could to prevent early voting, mail-in ballots and create long lines at
Democratic rich polling places. I also have no doubt that if there were
any SIGNIFICANT voter ID fraud, it was a black op of the republicans
Post by Terry Coombs
And that Barry Soetoro is the biggest fraud ever
perpetrated upon the American public . I'm just waiting to see how he
tries to stay in power . He's already got a good start on corrupting
our military leaders into agreeing to fire on US citizens . Let's
just hope the people that actually have to pull those triggers
realize that it's their friends and neighbors out there on the
business end of those arms . It's gonna get ugly , and the question
is not if but when ...
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-04 20:34:20 UTC
Post by Terry Coombs
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President
of my country and THAT does concern me because of all the
destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
Too bad a lot of those voters were dead , and that many of them voted
more than once . There is no question in my mind that the last 2
elections were stolen due to voter fraud . And that Barry Soetoro is
the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American public . I'm
just waiting to see how he tries to stay in power . He's already got
a good start on corrupting our military leaders into agreeing to fire
on US citizens . Let's just hope the people that actually have to
pull those triggers realize that it's their friends and neighbors out
there on the business end of those arms . It's gonna get ugly , and
the question is not if but when ...
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined. I've heard and read of people coming
across many foreign troops in The U.S. for some reason which has to make
me wonder WTF is going on. There are concerns that there is a false flag
operation in the works that would appear to be a terrorist attack which
would give Obama an excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no
constitutional authority to do so. He has been ignoring The
Constitution on a regular basis which would have had the main stream
press and media howling if the same things had been done by President
Bush during his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who
worked for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The Black
Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters at the polls
during the presidential election. Vote fraud was a staple of The
Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed up with it and
kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the legislature for 136
years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard voter fraud utilized by
their minions. Something I find very distressing is the fact that my
darker skinned cousins believe that Obama is one of their own and is
going to give them all free stuff because they voted for him which is
quite bizarre. Many of those who voted for our President Obama, are
slapping themselves and saying WTF have we done? ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-04 21:00:22 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Terry Coombs
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President
of my country and THAT does concern me because of all the
destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
Too bad a lot of those voters were dead , and that many of them voted
more than once . There is no question in my mind that the last 2
elections were stolen due to voter fraud . And that Barry Soetoro is
the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American public . I'm
just waiting to see how he tries to stay in power . He's already got
a good start on corrupting our military leaders into agreeing to fire
on US citizens . Let's just hope the people that actually have to
pull those triggers realize that it's their friends and neighbors out
there on the business end of those arms . It's gonna get ugly , and
the question is not if but when ...
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined.
maybe it's because there are more of them and more of them who are
cheating: they haven't been fired yet, but I don't want a general who is
in charge of our ballistic missiles staying there if they can't pass the
proficiency test. as to your specific claims, how about a cite for these
booted senior officers
Post by The Daring Dufas
I've heard and read of people coming
across many foreign troops in The U.S. for some reason which has to make
me wonder WTF is going on.
please provide a cite, but don't include the foreign troops that have
been coming here for decades for training
Post by The Daring Dufas
There are concerns that there is a false flag
operation in the works that would appear to be a terrorist attack which
would give Obama an excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no
constitutional authority to do so.
have you run out of your tin foil hats?

He has been ignoring The
Post by The Daring Dufas
Constitution on a regular basis which would have had the main stream
press and media howling if the same things had been done by President
Bush during his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who
worked for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The Black
Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters at the polls
during the presidential election.
please provide a cite
Post by The Daring Dufas
Vote fraud was a staple of The
Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed up with it and
kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the legislature for 136
years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard voter fraud utilized by
their minions. Something I find very distressing is the fact that my
darker skinned cousins believe that Obama is one of their own and is
going to give them all free stuff because they voted for him which is
quite bizarre. Many of those who voted for our President Obama, are
slapping themselves and saying WTF have we done? ^_^
yes, stopping voter fraud by creating long lines at polling places, that
certainly helps democracy
2014-02-04 23:39:21 UTC
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 13:00:22 -0800, "Malcom \"Mal\" Reynolds"
Post by The Daring Dufas
There are concerns that there is a false flag
operation in the works that would appear to be a terrorist attack
Are you referring to 9/11 or a more recent one ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
2014-02-04 23:36:18 UTC
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:34:20 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined.
Well, he's not as bad as I thought then. That is one tiny step
in the right direction.
Maybe there IS hope of change.
A country that would rather spend money killing people than
healing them is very sick indeed.
Maybe one day you will have no military at all, and the USA
will be admired by the rest of the world.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 02:13:59 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:34:20 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention
to the fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing
its generals, admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as
Commander And Chief of the military, has fired more military
commanders than all the previous Presidents combined.
Well, he's not as bad as I thought then. That is one tiny step in the
right direction. Maybe there IS hope of change. A country that would
rather spend money killing people than healing them is very sick
indeed. Maybe one day you will have no military at all, and the USA
will be admired by the rest of the world. []'s
You mean invaded and conquered by China? ^_^

2014-02-05 14:10:22 UTC
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:13:59 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Shadow
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:34:20 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention
to the fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing
its generals, admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as
Commander And Chief of the military, has fired more military
commanders than all the previous Presidents combined.
Well, he's not as bad as I thought then. That is one tiny step in the
right direction. Maybe there IS hope of change. A country that would
rather spend money killing people than healing them is very sick
indeed. Maybe one day you will have no military at all, and the USA
will be admired by the rest of the world. []'s
You mean invaded and conquered by China? ^_^
What would they do that for ? "Cheap labor" ?
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Terry Coombs
2014-02-05 19:07:06 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 20:13:59 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Shadow
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:34:20 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention
to the fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing
its generals, admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as
Commander And Chief of the military, has fired more military
commanders than all the previous Presidents combined.
Well, he's not as bad as I thought then. That is one tiny step in
the right direction. Maybe there IS hope of change. A country that
would rather spend money killing people than healing them is very
sick indeed. Maybe one day you will have no military at all, and
the USA will be admired by the rest of the world. []'s
You mean invaded and conquered by China? ^_^
What would they do that for ? "Cheap labor" ?
Natural resources , duh !
Stormin Mormon
2014-02-05 12:29:30 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Tue, 04 Feb 2014 14:34:20 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined.
Well, he's not as bad as I thought then. That is one tiny step
in the right direction.
Maybe there IS hope of change.
A country that would rather spend money killing people than
healing them is very sick indeed.
Maybe one day you will have no military at all, and the USA
will be admired by the rest of the world.
I do think that the US is in some battles which ought
not be. However, I also think that if the US had no
military, it would be attacked by countries who do.

Can you give me an example of a country with no
military which is admired by the rest of the world?
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
Stormin Mormon
2014-02-05 12:25:49 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined. I've heard and read of people coming
across many foreign troops in The U.S. for some reason which has to make
me wonder WTF is going on. There are concerns that there is a false flag
operation in the works that would appear to be a terrorist attack which
would give Obama an excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no
constitutional authority to do so. He has been ignoring The
Constitution on a regular basis which would have had the main stream
press and media howling if the same things had been done by President
Bush during his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who
worked for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The Black
Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters at the polls
during the presidential election. Vote fraud was a staple of The
Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed up with it and
kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the legislature for 136
years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard voter fraud utilized by
their minions. Something I find very distressing is the fact that my
darker skinned cousins believe that Obama is one of their own and is
going to give them all free stuff because they voted for him which is
quite bizarre. Many of those who voted for our President Obama, are
slapping themselves and saying WTF have we done? ^_^
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next
question: What can the common citizen do to prepare
for the crisis that is sure to arrive?
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 13:49:16 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention
to the fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing
its generals, admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as
Commander And Chief of the military, has fired more military
commanders than all the previous Presidents combined. I've heard
and read of people coming across many foreign troops in The U.S.
for some reason which has to make me wonder WTF is going on. There
are concerns that there is a false flag operation in the works that
would appear to be a terrorist attack which would give Obama an
excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no constitutional
authority to do so. He has been ignoring The Constitution on a
regular basis which would have had the main stream press and media
howling if the same things had been done by President Bush during
his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who worked
for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The
Black Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters
at the polls during the presidential election. Vote fraud was a
staple of The Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed
up with it and kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the
legislature for 136 years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard
voter fraud utilized by their minions. Something I find very
distressing is the fact that my darker skinned cousins believe that
Obama is one of their own and is going to give them all free stuff
because they voted for him which is quite bizarre. Many of those
who voted for our President Obama, are slapping themselves and
saying WTF have we done? ^_^
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next question: What can
the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that is sure to
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next big
terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out by a covert
Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse to declare marshal
law as ordered by the puppet masters controlling him. Don't expect an
aluminum foil hat to protect you, you'll have to make one out of 1/2"
armor plate. You must add shoulder pads to help support the armor hat
since it will be so heavy. o_O

Stormin Mormon
2014-02-05 14:33:52 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next question: What can
the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that is sure to
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next big
terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out by a covert
Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse to declare marshal
law as ordered by the puppet masters controlling him. Don't expect an
aluminum foil hat to protect you, you'll have to make one out of 1/2"
armor plate. You must add shoulder pads to help support the armor hat
since it will be so heavy. o_O
I also expect a false flag crisis. BTW, Marshal law
is a college in Georgia. Martial law is when the
military controls the government.
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-06 07:28:02 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next question: What
can the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that is sure
to arrive?
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next big
terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out by a
covert Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse to
declare marshal law as ordered by the puppet masters controlling
him. Don't expect an aluminum foil hat to protect you, you'll have
to make one out of 1/2" armor plate. You must add shoulder pads to
help support the armor hat since it will be so heavy. o_O
I also expect a false flag crisis. BTW, Marshal law is a college in
Georgia. Martial law is when the military controls the government.
Oh crap! I had The Marshall Islands on my mind. I worked there back in
the late 1980's. You know how spell checkers are. ^_^

2014-02-07 00:03:46 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next question: What
can the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that is sure
to arrive?
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next big
terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out by a
covert Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse to
declare marshal law as ordered by the puppet masters controlling
him. Don't expect an aluminum foil hat to protect you, you'll have
to make one out of 1/2" armor plate. You must add shoulder pads to
help support the armor hat since it will be so heavy. o_O
I also expect a false flag crisis. BTW, Marshal law is a college in
Georgia. Martial law is when the military controls the government.
Oh crap! I had The Marshall Islands on my mind. I worked there back in
the late 1980's. You know how spell checkers are. ^_^
How about Marshall Tucker? Marshall Dillon?
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-07 10:40:25 UTC
Post by Tekkie®
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...
And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
What can the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that
is sure to arrive?
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next
big terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out
by a covert Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse
to declare marshal law as ordered by the puppet masters
controlling him. Don't expect an aluminum foil hat to protect
you, you'll have to make one out of 1/2" armor plate. You must
add shoulder pads to help support the armor hat since it will
be so heavy. o_O
I also expect a false flag crisis. BTW, Marshal law is a college
in Georgia. Martial law is when the military controls the
Oh crap! I had The Marshall Islands on my mind. I worked there back
in the late 1980's. You know how spell checkers are. ^_^
How about Marshall Tucker? Marshall Dillon?
Dang! A Marshall Tucker band song just popped into my head then I heard
Festus from Gunsmoke. I must be getting old? o_O


2014-02-05 23:49:41 UTC
The Daring Dufas posted for all of us...

And I know how to SNIP
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention
to the fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing
its generals, admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as
Commander And Chief of the military, has fired more military
commanders than all the previous Presidents combined. I've heard
and read of people coming across many foreign troops in The U.S.
for some reason which has to make me wonder WTF is going on. There
are concerns that there is a false flag operation in the works that
would appear to be a terrorist attack which would give Obama an
excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no constitutional
authority to do so. He has been ignoring The Constitution on a
regular basis which would have had the main stream press and media
howling if the same things had been done by President Bush during
his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who worked
for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The
Black Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters
at the polls during the presidential election. Vote fraud was a
staple of The Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed
up with it and kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the
legislature for 136 years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard
voter fraud utilized by their minions. Something I find very
distressing is the fact that my darker skinned cousins believe that
Obama is one of their own and is going to give them all free stuff
because they voted for him which is quite bizarre. Many of those
who voted for our President Obama, are slapping themselves and
saying WTF have we done? ^_^
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next question: What can
the common citizen do to prepare for the crisis that is sure to
Find a big rock,... no a big boulder to hide under. The next big
terrorist attack will be a false flag operation carried out by a covert
Black Ops government agency to give Obama an excuse to declare marshal
law as ordered by the puppet masters controlling him. Don't expect an
aluminum foil hat to protect you, you'll have to make one out of 1/2"
armor plate. You must add shoulder pads to help support the armor hat
since it will be so heavy. o_O
Since I will need that hat. I will have to throw all the politicians off that are on my shoulders
now. I hope they don't hurt their hands pulling them out of my pockets and make a graceful landing.
Wait a minute, they have the best health-care - not OslamaScare so who cares? Don't worry; a
politician always lands on their feet and come back to collect more $$$$.
2014-02-05 13:54:47 UTC
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 07:25:49 -0500, Stormin Mormon
Post by Stormin Mormon
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next
question: What can the common citizen do to prepare
for the crisis that is sure to arrive?
There's always suicide. Until the surveillance is capable of
preventing it.....
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-05 19:18:23 UTC
Post by Stormin Mormon
Post by The Daring Dufas
I have to wonder why the main stream media isn't paying attention to the
fact that Messiah Obama is gutting the military by firing its generals,
admirals and many senior officers. Obama, as Commander And Chief of the
military, has fired more military commanders than all the
previous Presidents combined. I've heard and read of people coming
across many foreign troops in The U.S. for some reason which has to make
me wonder WTF is going on. There are concerns that there is a false flag
operation in the works that would appear to be a terrorist attack which
would give Obama an excuse to declare marshal law even if he has no
constitutional authority to do so. He has been ignoring The
Constitution on a regular basis which would have had the main stream
press and media howling if the same things had been done by President
Bush during his time in office. I remember a story of a prosecutor who
worked for The U.S. Attorney's office who resigned because Attorney
General Holder stopped criminal prosecution of members of The Black
Panther party who had interfered with and threatened voters at the polls
during the presidential election. Vote fraud was a staple of The
Democrat Party here in Alabamastan until we got fed up with it and
kicked the bums out. The Democrats had owned the legislature for 136
years and lost it in 2010 despite the standard voter fraud utilized by
their minions. Something I find very distressing is the fact that my
darker skinned cousins believe that Obama is one of their own and is
going to give them all free stuff because they voted for him which is
quite bizarre. Many of those who voted for our President Obama, are
slapping themselves and saying WTF have we done? ^_^
I also wonder much the same thing. And the next
question: What can the common citizen do to prepare
for the crisis that is sure to arrive?
learn how to make IED's and suicide vests so you can do your part to
change things...it's your patriotic duty
Stormin Mormon
2014-02-04 12:44:45 UTC
Post by Vic Smith
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
And you'll live with it.
All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Something called "voter fraud" and another thing
called "voter intimidation" and a third called
"Diebold electronic voting" makes me wonder about
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
Kurt Ullman
2014-02-04 12:55:05 UTC
Post by Stormin Mormon
Post by Vic Smith
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
And you'll live with it.
All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Something called "voter fraud" and another thing
called "voter intimidation" and a third called
"Diebold electronic voting" makes me wonder about
Nah, Diebold's head said years ago that he was a Republican, so the Dems
decided his machines were all corrupted. Please try to keep your
conspiracy theories straight. It is hard enough to follow as it is...
³Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive,
but what they conceal is vital.²
‹ Aaron Levenstein
Stormin Mormon
2014-02-04 13:31:31 UTC
Post by Kurt Ullman
Post by Stormin Mormon
Something called "voter fraud" and another thing
called "voter intimidation" and a third called
"Diebold electronic voting" makes me wonder about
Nah, Diebold's head said years ago that he was a Republican, so the Dems
decided his machines were all corrupted. Please try to keep your
conspiracy theories straight. It is hard enough to follow as it is...
Conspiracy theory? Baah! I heard that straight from
my Aunt Myrtle, who heard it from her cousin's hair
dresser Madge (who's still soaking in palmolive).
Christopher A. Young
Learn about Jesus
Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-04 18:57:39 UTC
Post by Stormin Mormon
Post by Vic Smith
Post by The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative
Action IS The President of my country and THAT does concern me because
of all the destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office.
And you'll live with it.
All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Something called "voter fraud" and another thing
called "voter intimidation" and a third called
"Diebold electronic voting" makes me wonder about
yup, the republicans excelled at voter intimidation
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 07:28:46 UTC
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President of
my country and THAT does concern me because of all the destruction
he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll live
with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right to
criticize the actions of a public SERVANT. You P.L.L.C.F. types would
support any law that would make it a crime to oppose your Messiah. I
have a fact that may distress you, I opposed a lot of what President
Bush did during his term as President. I oppose almost everything done
by Obama, our Affirmative Action President. Geez! o_O



2014-02-05 14:05:33 UTC
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President of
my country and THAT does concern me because of all the destruction
he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll live
with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right to
criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
I seem to remember that when Bush invaded Iraq, anyone that
thought that there were no WMDs and that it was just a coup to make
the rich richer at the cost of american lives was called a traitor and
killfiled or otherwise smothered.
There was even a thread in alt.2600 as to which was the best
bomb to cause maximum casualties in schools. (Their deaths were
essential to diminish "enemy" moral.).
Remember that ? There was even a nutcase who posted his bunker
plan, where he could hide when the Iraqis invaded. He was highly
respected. No one had the courage to speak out. That , Sir, is
censorship by your peers.
At least now you can shout "Kill the president" and get away
with it. Well, almost. I'm strip searched every time I go near an
airport. And when I fart they collect it as evidence.
Don't be evil - Google 2004
We have a new policy - Google 2012
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 16:31:17 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President
of my country and THAT does concern me because of all the
destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll
live with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right
to criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
I seem to remember that when Bush invaded Iraq, anyone that thought
that there were no WMDs and that it was just a coup to make the rich
richer at the cost of american lives was called a traitor and
killfiled or otherwise smothered. There was even a thread in alt.2600
as to which was the best bomb to cause maximum casualties in schools.
(Their deaths were essential to diminish "enemy" moral.). Remember
that ? There was even a nutcase who posted his bunker plan, where he
could hide when the Iraqis invaded. He was highly respected. No one
had the courage to speak out. That , Sir, is censorship by your
peers. At least now you can shout "Kill the president" and get away
with it. Well, almost. I'm strip searched every time I go near an
airport. And when I fart they collect it as evidence. []'s
I'd have to go search at what I may have been posting back then or if
I'd even been posting at that time. I'm sure that whack job Hatter was
spewing his smeg way back when. ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-05 19:20:31 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Shadow
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President
of my country and THAT does concern me because of all the
destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll
live with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right
to criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
I seem to remember that when Bush invaded Iraq, anyone that thought
that there were no WMDs and that it was just a coup to make the rich
richer at the cost of american lives was called a traitor and
killfiled or otherwise smothered. There was even a thread in alt.2600
as to which was the best bomb to cause maximum casualties in schools.
(Their deaths were essential to diminish "enemy" moral.). Remember
that ? There was even a nutcase who posted his bunker plan, where he
could hide when the Iraqis invaded. He was highly respected. No one
had the courage to speak out. That , Sir, is censorship by your
peers. At least now you can shout "Kill the president" and get away
with it. Well, almost. I'm strip searched every time I go near an
airport. And when I fart they collect it as evidence. []'s
I'd have to go search at what I may have been posting back then or if
I'd even been posting at that time. I'm sure that whack job Hatter was
spewing his smeg way back when. ^_^
ah so your free speech is okay, anyone else's isn't?
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-06 07:36:48 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Shadow
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The
President of my country and THAT does concern me because of
all the destruction he has done and will do to my country.
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And
you'll live with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig
won't change a thing.
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech
right to criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
I seem to remember that when Bush invaded Iraq, anyone that
thought that there were no WMDs and that it was just a coup to
make the rich richer at the cost of american lives was called a
traitor and killfiled or otherwise smothered. There was even a
thread in alt.2600 as to which was the best bomb to cause maximum
casualties in schools. (Their deaths were essential to diminish
"enemy" moral.). Remember that ? There was even a nutcase who
posted his bunker plan, where he could hide when the Iraqis
invaded. He was highly respected. No one had the courage to speak
out. That , Sir, is censorship by your peers. At least now you
can shout "Kill the president" and get away with it. Well,
almost. I'm strip searched every time I go near an airport. And
when I fart they collect it as evidence. []'s
I'd have to go search at what I may have been posting back then or
if I'd even been posting at that time. I'm sure that whack job
Hatter was spewing his smeg way back when. ^_^
ah so your free speech is okay, anyone else's isn't?
As usual Malcom, you have know clue as to what me and fellow
computer/telecom hacking denizen are discussing. ^_^

Vic Smith
2014-02-05 17:12:05 UTC
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President of
my country and THAT does concern me because of all the destruction
he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll live
with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a thing.
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right to
criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
You're squealing. Proceed. You won't change a thing.
But it might make you feel better.
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-06 07:39:42 UTC
Post by Shadow
On Wed, 05 Feb 2014 01:28:46 -0600, The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Vic Smith
On Mon, 03 Feb 2014 20:28:34 -0600, The Daring Dufas
The ultimate consequence of Affirmative Action IS The President
of my country and THAT does concern me because of all the
destruction he has done and will do to my country. o_O
The voters of the U.S. put the President in office. And you'll
live with it. All your squealing like a stuck pig won't change a
Who's squealing? Are you trying to take away my free speech right
to criticize the actions of a public SERVANT.
You're squealing. Proceed. You won't change a thing. But it might
make you feel better.
Oink! Oink! Oink! SQUEEEEEEEAL! SQUEEEEEEEAL!....... fart. o_O

Tony Hwang
2014-02-04 03:30:39 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family and
her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the Canadian
health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless eaters." If
Abomination Care is allowed to continue in The United States, the same
sort of attitude will develop among the Affirmative Action morons who
are being put in charge of the system. ^_^
Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-04 20:36:05 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada,
you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly
income tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial
health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family
and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
eaters." If Abomination Care is allowed to continue in The United
States, the same sort of attitude will develop among the
Affirmative Action morons who are being put in charge of the
system. ^_^
Hi, Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
I have to wonder how my Chinese cousins treat their "rice worms"? ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-04 23:01:24 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada,
you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly
income tax deducted at source going to one of the provincial
health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her family
and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said that in the
Canadian health care system, her family is referred to as "Useless
eaters." If Abomination Care is allowed to continue in The United
States, the same sort of attitude will develop among the
Affirmative Action morons who are being put in charge of the
system. ^_^
Hi, Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
I have to wonder how my Chinese cousins treat their "rice worms"? ^_^
they feed them to the first graders on the assembly lines
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 02:16:19 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in
Canada, you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of
the monthly income tax deducted at source going to one of the
provincial health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her
family and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said
that in the Canadian health care system, her family is referred
to as "Useless eaters." If Abomination Care is allowed to
continue in The United States, the same sort of attitude will
develop among the Affirmative Action morons who are being put
in charge of the system. ^_^
Hi, Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
I have to wonder how my Chinese cousins treat their "rice worms"? ^_^
they feed them to the first graders on the assembly lines
Oh I see, they fatten up the worms to be cooked and served at the
restaurants. ^_^

Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
2014-02-05 05:16:42 UTC
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in
Canada, you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of
the monthly income tax deducted at source going to one of the
provincial health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her
family and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She said
that in the Canadian health care system, her family is referred
to as "Useless eaters." If Abomination Care is allowed to
continue in The United States, the same sort of attitude will
develop among the Affirmative Action morons who are being put
in charge of the system. ^_^
Hi, Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
I have to wonder how my Chinese cousins treat their "rice worms"? ^_^
they feed them to the first graders on the assembly lines
Oh I see, they fatten up the worms to be cooked and served at the
restaurants. ^_^
there are no restaurants at the factories
The Daring Dufas
2014-02-05 13:51:57 UTC
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by Malcom "Mal" Reynolds
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by The Daring Dufas
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in
Canada, you can probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750
of the monthly income tax deducted at source going to one
of the provincial health insurance programs.
I watched a video made by a young Canadian woman about her
family and her husband who is disabled due to injury. She
said that in the Canadian health care system, her family is
referred to as "Useless eaters." If Abomination Care is
allowed to continue in The United States, the same sort of
attitude will develop among the Affirmative Action morons
who are being put in charge of the system. ^_^
Hi, Useless eaters? In the orient they say "rice worm"
I have to wonder how my Chinese cousins treat their "rice
worms"? ^_^
they feed them to the first graders on the assembly lines
Oh I see, they fatten up the worms to be cooked and served at the
restaurants. ^_^
there are no restaurants at the factories
The worms are shipped to restaurants around the world but some are
served at the cafeteria in the factory. ^_^

Kurt Ullman
2014-02-02 19:56:50 UTC
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance
How ridiculous. Let me know when you have a metric more solid than
"probably" $500-700
"Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive,
but what they conceal is vital."
-- Aaron Levenstein
Tony Hwang
2014-02-05 16:05:46 UTC
Post by Kurt Ullman
Post by R. Quincy, M. E.
How ridiculous.
Out of the average paycheck of anyone older than 30 in Canada, you can
probably trace anywhere from $500 to $750 of the monthly income tax
deducted at source going to one of the provincial health insurance
How ridiculous. Let me know when you have a metric more solid than
"probably" $500-700
If one wants to avoid tax as much. donate to charity, political party,
save iton TFSA, RRSP buy a second house..... Feds have so called
transfer payment to equalize financial burden between have and have not
Here Alberta always pays into the pot, Quebec is always big beneficiary.
they threaten to separate if not enough is given. In Alberta we don't
have health care premium. We have labor shortage, highest wage in the
country. As a result irony is Albertans spend way too much incurring
highest debt per capita. Number wise per household average income is
well over 60K a year.